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District Centers are considered to be the City's "major development areas." The <br />most intense development in the City is targeted to these areas. The Tustin <br />Avenue corridor is a major development area even though it is not a designated <br />District Center. This area has developed over the years as a prime office corridor <br />and employment area. The PAO designation facilitates the continued <br />development of this area with high intensity, high quality regional office projects. <br />■ The One Broadway Plaza District Center (OBPDC) is a distinct land use <br />that is envisioned as a major activity center with a landmark mixed -use <br />tower, which will include residential, professional office, and commercial <br />uses. The district will be a focal point in the downtown area serving the Civic <br />Center complex, Downtown, and Midtown urban areas. <br />■ The Urban Neighborhood (UN) land use designation applies to primarily <br />residential areas with pedestrian oriented commercial uses, schools and small <br />parks. The Urban Neighborhood allows for a mix of residential uses and <br />housing types, such as mid to low rise multiple family, townhouses and single <br />family dwellings; with some opportunities for live -work, neighborhood <br />serving retail and service, public spaces and use, and other amenities. Either <br />vertical or horizontal integration of uses is permitted based on zoning <br />standards, with an emphasis on tying together the uses with pedestrian <br />linkages and street frontages. Street connectivity is desirable, allowing for a <br />high degree of walkability, transit options, and other forms of transportation <br />including pedestrian and bicycle travel. <br />The intensity standard for the Urban Neighborhood ranges from a floor area <br />ration of 0.5 to 3.0; with residential density based on a combination of floor <br />area ratio and zoning development standards. A total of 34-7-.0319.1 acres of <br />land in the City are designated Urban Neighborhood. <br />Industrial <br />The Industrial designation applies to those areas developed with manufacturing <br />and industrial uses. The designation applies to areas which are predominantly <br />industrial in character, and includes those industrial districts in the southwestern, <br />south central and southeastern sections of the City. A total of 2,152.8 acres of land <br />in the City is designated as Industrial. The maximum floor area ratio for this <br />designation is 0.45. <br />The Industrial districts of the City are vital to its economic health. These areas <br />provide employment opportunities for local residents, and generate municipal <br />revenues for continued economic development. As one of the County's oldest <br />cities, Santa Ana has long been an industrial center for the region. The City's goal <br />is to maintain this strong industrial base by setting land use policies which <br />preclude the intrusion of less intensive commercial or residential uses. Typical <br />uses found in this district include the following: <br />■ Light and heavy product manufacturing and assembly. <br />