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Alcala, Abigail <br />From: eliamadrigal < <br />Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2023 7:49 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Item # 17 - Deny Appeal <br />I am writing this email to you as a tax payer and property owner to DENY the appeal for a gas station that is <br />proposed to be built on the corner of Tustin and Santa Clara. <br />Major concerns as to why I believe the appeal needs to be denied: <br />1. Applicant is requesting 9 pump gas station be built next door to a very busy and long established preschool. <br />(Plumfield ) <br />2. Concerns over vapors and the storage of gasoline / hazardous materials within 500 ft. of a school and <br />residential area. <br />3. There are 9 active gas stations within a short distance of this location. <br />4. The 7-11 ( gas station and mini mart ) at Tustin Ave. and 17th St. attracts the homeless. They are often <br />found to be under the influence and swapping stolen goods as well as working on stolen bicycles. <br />Many of these individuals have been observed roaming through our neighborhood at night shaking down cars <br />and stealing anything of value that they can find. <br />6. The same homeless are then spotted during the day hanging out at Portola Park which is right next to John <br />Muir Fundamental School. <br />7. We don't want to see the situation worsen with the addition of another unwanted gas station and mini mart <br />close to our homes. We have a beautiful neighborhood and we want to protect it. <br />Thank you for your support. PLEASE DENY THE APPLICANTS APPEAL. <br />Sent from my V rizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone <br />