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Correspondence - #17
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
10/03/2023 Regular
Correspondence - #17
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Correspondence - #17
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Alcala, Abigail <br />From: <br />David Kiwerski WP2AAT < <br />Sent: <br />Sunday, October 1, 2023 8:14 PM <br />To: <br />eComment <br />Subject: <br />Fwd: Item # 17 - Deny the Appeal <br />Dear Santa Ana Planning Commission: <br />It has come to our attention that the vacant lot at the intersection of Tustin Avenue and Santa Clara Avenue is <br />being considered for a gas station site. This would not be a good site for the station for the following reasons: <br />• It would interrupt the flow of traffic: Tustin Avenue narrows to two lanes just past the proposed site and <br />Santa Clara narrows to a single lane traveling east. Adding more cars that will need to enter and exit the <br />station would make merging traffic more dangerous. <br />• The station would intensify the heavy traffic in an already busy intersection. Drivers who are unfamiliar <br />with the intersection and are exiting the Stater Bros. Shopping Center are often unaware of drivers <br />turning right onto Santa Clara Ave. from Tustin Ave., and the same can be said about those drivers <br />making the right-hand turns. There is a history of traffic collisions at that corner. <br />• Hazardous materials are inherent to the operation of service stations. With the number of accidents <br />already mentioned, it would be a risk to businesses and residents alike to add the station. <br />• The service station would increase the amount of traffic students would face traveling to and from <br />school. The presence of a gas station would not only have a negative impact on the preschoolers at <br />Plumfield Preschool, but would also affect students attending SAUSD schools (John Muir Fundamental <br />and Sierra Preparatory Academy) and TUSD schools (Loma Vista, Hewes, Foothill, and <br />Hillcrest). There are also several private schools in the area that could also be impacted by the addition <br />of a filling station at that corner. Many parents elect to have their children walk to school. There are no <br />crossing guards at this intersection, and the addition of traffic moving in an out of a service station <br />would create a higher risk to students. <br />• The relatively recent opening of a doughnut shop and Starbucks sharing the lot with the refurbished <br />liquor store at the same intersection directly affected traffic patterns which would be severely <br />compounded by the service station. <br />Thank you for taking these items under consideration. We respectfully ask that you deny the appeal so that the <br />area will remain safe for commuters, businesses, and residents. <br />David and Pamela Kiwerski WP2AAT "No Microsoft, no Apple, just good old reliable Linux" <br />
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