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Correspondence - #17
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
10/03/2023 Regular
Correspondence - #17
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Correspondence - #17
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Alcala, Abigail <br />From: Aaron Harrington < <br />Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 10:23 AM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Agenda Item #17 - 2230 N. Tustin Ave <br />To whom it may concern, <br />Good afternoon! My daughter currently attends kindergarten at Plumfield, the school directly next to the empty lot which is being <br />appealed by the developer to move forward with development. Why my concern in this matter? First of all, this is a safety concern <br />for not only my child let alone all of the other children and staff who attend the school. Also, if a conditional use permit (CUP) is <br />required in regards to a 500 foot proximity within a school or residences, why is the Planning Commission/City Council willing to <br />overturn a recently enacted requirement? Not only is this a hazard for the children and staff in regards to gasoline fumes but there are <br />other chemicals affiliated with the proposed station. There are additional chemicals/lubricants vehicles need to properly function <br />which may further hinder safety (ie. oil, transmission fluid(s), battery fluid(s) spills, etc.) which will then leak/seep into drains/gutters <br />and could wash closer to the school. Children's safety should be priority 41, not profitability of a developer. <br />Second, since children's safety should be the city council's main priority, why on earth build another gas station? There are 5 other <br />gas stations within a 1/2 mile of the proposed site. Passing on the appeal with not only benefit the community as a whole but it'll cut <br />down on traffic in the area to ensure less congestion and potential accidents. Since there is a school in this immediate area the city <br />council should do everything in their power to limit congestion. There is already a supermarket (Stater Brothers) across the street so <br />adding more traffic will further increase potential car accidents which could directly affect a child/family. <br />Third, in regards to traffic/congestion of the immediate area, Santa Clara (in front of the school) is only 2 lanes. This proposed <br />development will cause more congestion, the inability of parents to park in the small lot assigned to the school to pick up/drop <br />off their kids and could cause further accidents in case children have to be picked up elsewhere in case the entrance is blocked by <br />other vehicles. Also, the additional traffic will cause the public to turn into the school parking lot when said persons don't even have a <br />child at the school. Thus, further causing more traffic issues and potential accidents. Again, children's safety should be priority 41 ! <br />Fourth, with the extra gas station brings transient/homeless issues. Is the city content with the increased chances of transients <br />sleeping/attempting to access the school grounds for potential assaults on school staff? Also, the safety of these children would need <br />to be dramatically increased. Is the developer going to ensure they limit the transient/homeless persons on the gas station <br />grounds? Of course not! This is exactly why they can't be awarded the appeal to proceed with development. Safety is tantamount to <br />a striving society for children so this reasoning should immediately persuade the city council's decision to not allow the development <br />of the gas station. <br />Lastly, with the above issues I have listed we know the gas station will apply for an alcohol permit to sell it on store grounds. Since <br />there is a supermarket and liquor stores across the street, herein lies another reason why they need to cease with building a gas station <br />on this lot. With more alcohol always comes more problems. Drunk driving could be an issue which will lead to further <br />accidents/concerns that parents at the school don't need to endure. Parents have the right to ensure their child is safe at their school so <br />adding an extra burden on the school staff should be reason 41 not to grant the developer the lot to build the gas station. <br />We as a society need to make sure our children are taken care and safety is the main issue here. Kids are the building blocks of <br />societies and when parent's and children's safety is pushed aside for profits then we as a whole have lost value in creating a better <br />future for our children. Again, I have listed numerous reasons why the proposed building needs to be ceased thus ensuring our <br />children are able to learn without any limitation or additional stresses placed on the families. I am always open to businesses being <br />built but not a gas station right next to a school when there are multiple other stations within the same vicinity. I stress you to please <br />take the kid's and school's well being into consideration and passing on allowing the gas station to be built. Feel free to call or email if <br />you have any questions or concerns and I appreciate your time in regards to this matter. <br />Respectfully, <br />Aaron Harrington (Concerned parent of kindergarten student at Plumfleld school) <br />
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