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Correspondence - #17
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
10/03/2023 Regular
Correspondence - #17
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Last modified
10/11/2023 4:37:16 PM
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9/28/2023 2:45:47 PM
City Clerk
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Correspondence - #17
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or vibration; or other objectionable features that are <br />detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare, or <br />that are damaging to the physical environment, neighborhood <br />or community. <br />The fueling canopy is proposed along the northeastern end of <br />the site to distance it from sensitive land uses to the west, <br />reducing the impacts from the standard sources of emissions <br />at service stations (i.e., service station infrastructure and <br />vehicles visiting service stations). Additionally, the location of <br />the convenience store adjacent to the western property acts <br />as a physical barrier between nearby sensitive land uses and <br />the fueling canopy. The closest residential land use is <br />approximately 120 feet to the west of the site. Therefore, the <br />recurring and predictable sources of emissions would be <br />limited. <br />Additionally, the service station will utilize the latest technology <br />in full compliance with State laws designed to ensure safe <br />operations of the service station and minimization of emissions <br />of fumes. Conditions of approval has been placed to ensure a <br />reduction in loading and breathing emissions, due to fuel <br />tanker truck deliveries and due to excess pressure released <br />from the gas station vent pipe in the form of gasoline vapor <br />emissions. In addition, the applicant through conditions of <br />approval will be required to conduct periodic reviews of <br />operations to identify opportunities to upgrade or phase out <br />older equipment. <br />Due to the site's location near sensitive land uses such as the <br />adjacent child care facility and residential zones, additional <br />conditions of approval have been included to mitigate any <br />effects from vehicle idling, outdoor displays, onsite lighting, <br />noise, vehicle maintenance, and the installation of temporary <br />equipment. The service station will meet all emissions and air - <br />quality requirements set by the California Air Resources Board <br />(CARB). In addition, the site will propose high -quality <br />architecture utilizing a combination of exterior materials and <br />treatments to remain aesthetically harmonious with the <br />surrounding area. Finally, the Applicant is not proposing to <br />operate past 12.00 a.m. (midnight) in order to prevent any <br />noise impacts on the sensitive residential land uses. This <br />includes both the fuel pumps and the convenience store. <br />3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the present economic <br />stability or future economic development of properties surrounding <br />the area. <br />Resolution No. 2023-XXX <br />Page 3 of 12 <br />
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