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EXHIBIT 2: <br />PROCEDURES FOR COMPLYING WITH FUND COMPANY MARKET TIMING AND EXCESSIVE <br />TRADING <br />This Exhibit 2 shall apply to any Recordlweping Services Schedule under the Master Services Agreement <br />PROCEDURES FOR COMPLYING WITH FUND COMPANY MARKET TIMING AND EXCESSIVE <br />TRADING POLICIES <br />The prospectuses, policies andlor procedures ofcertein fund companies require retirement plan providers <br />offering theirfund(s)fo agree to restrict marketti ring andlor excessive trading Cpfolribited trading"') in their <br />funds. The following procedures describe how we will campy with fund company instructions designed to <br />prevent or rninim¢e prohituled trading. <br />Various fund companies instruct intermediaries to perform standardized trade monitoring while others <br />perform their own periodic monkming and request trading reports when they suspect that an individual is <br />engaging in prohibited trading. Ifan individuars trading activity is determinedto constitute prohibited trading, <br />as defined by the applicable fund company, the Individual will be notified that a trading restriction will, be <br />implemented if probilbited trading does rot cease. (SvDme funds may require that trading restrictions be <br />implemented immediately w8hout warning, in which case notice of the restriction vill be provided k) the <br />individual and plan, If applicable). If the individual continues to engage in prohibited trading, the individual <br />will tie restricted from maldrg transfers into the Identified fund(s) for a specified time period, as determined <br />by the applicable fund euxnpany. Individuals are always permitted to make transfers out of the identified <br />find(%) to other available investment options_ When the fund company's restriction period has been met, <br />the individual will automatically be alkywed to resume transfers into the identified fund(s). <br />Additionally, IF prohibited trading persists, the fund company may reject all trades initiated by the plan, <br />Including trades of individuals who have not ongaged in prohMed trading. <br />Nate: certain per sponsors have or may elect to implement plan level restrictions tD prevent or minimize <br />individual prohibited trading. Tothe extent that such procedures am effective, we may not receive requests <br />for information flan: the fund companies or requests to implement the restrictions described above. <br />U712422 <br />City IF, PY ounCl - 19 - 22 9/19/2023 <br />