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EXHIBIT 4: BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN NOTICE <br />BUSINESS COMr41tUM PLAN NOTICE <br />Empower Financial Services, Inc. CEmpower"), a subsidiary of Empower Annuity Insurance Company <br />of America and affiliate of Famprmer Life & Annuity insurance Company of New York' and Empower <br />f`tetirement, LLC, maintains a comprehensive business continuity plan designed to respond reasonably <br />and effectively to event* that lead to significant business disruption, such as natural disasters., powac <br />outages, or other awards of varying Scope. This plan defines critical functions and systems, alternate work <br />locations, vital books and records, end staff resources, and provides for the continuation of business <br />pperadone with :minimal impact, depehdlog on the severity and sow of the etiaruptian. "Tire plan Is <br />reviewed and tested he leas than curse annually to ensure that the informntion in the plan is kept current <br />and that documented recovery and confinuiity strategies adequately support its business operations. Of <br />utmost importance to the plan is the ability for customers to maintain access to securities accounts and <br />assets in those accounts. <br />In the event that tote of tie oontalet centers fir beck ofte opsration facilifi s becomes unavailable for <br />any reason, calls would be re-routed to one of the firms alternative contact center or operations facflifies. <br />In the event of a significand business disruption to the primary office andfor date center, access to customer <br />accounts wi0 be provided via the Comptsry's Web alto and volts response system, operated from an <br />alternative data carder. Customer service will continue to be provided by fe routing telephone calls to a <br />contact corder lucatcrd in one or mm alternative site* located outside of the region. Secure walk from <br />home solutions are avaiable forall staff. <br />While no contingency plan tan eliminate fore risk of business interruption, or prevent temporary delays with <br />account access, the Irm"s continuity ON is intended to mitigate all reasonable risk wW resume "oaf <br />business operatons within 24 hours or Fire next business day, whichever is later. <br />Record keeping and administrative services are provided by Empower Retirement, LLC, and in. New <br />York, Empower Life 6 Annuity insurance Company of New York, or one of its subsklsari s or aMifates. <br />.Securities ofFered in year account may be offered through another broker/dealer Scar other than <br />Empower Financial Services, Inc., a wholly, owned subsidiary of Empower Annuity Insurance Company <br />oaf Ametica. Please contact y qrr inve*[menf poi y r tut more krFamtal on IF needed - <br />This disclosure is subject to modification at any time. The most current version of this cha sure can be <br />found on ft, If* Company's website or can bo obtained by requesting a written copy by mall. <br />BC P — Empower Customer Notice (Ed. August 2022) <br />22 <br />City Council 19 — 25 9/19/2023 <br />