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Fiscal Year 2023-24 Homeownership Initiatives <br />October 17, 2023 <br />Page 3 <br />b. Lot Size: 27,817 square feet <br />c. Current Zoning: R1 Single -Family Residence, which allows one house per lot <br />d. Parcel was purchased using Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund <br />- 20% Set Aside <br />e. Previous Use: Purchased from Cal Trans. It was a remnant parcel from the <br />freeway -widening project. The site was vacant and undeveloped at the time it <br />was acquired <br />f. General Plan: Low Density Residential, which allows single-family residences <br />and ancillary uses <br />g. Maximum du/ac: Seven units per acre <br />h. Site Condition / Environmental Conditions: Property is irregular in shape, and <br />will most likely require the approval of several variances from the zoning code <br />in order to facilitate a residential unit <br />Dependent on the proposal's financial parameters, staff is amenable to conveying the <br />land asset for $1. Staff is currently monitoring legislative amendments to the Surplus <br />Land Act. If this legislation is not signed by the Governor, staff may remove the land <br />asset from the RFP by issuing an addendum. <br />With approval by City Council, the RFP for Affordable Homeownership Opportunities will <br />be issued on October 18, 2023. The first deadline for the RFP will be on Friday, <br />December 15, 2023 and the second deadline will be on Monday, April 1, 2024. The RFP <br />will be published on the City's website, a public notice will be published in the OC <br />Register, an e-mail will be sent out to Orange County's largest affordable housing <br />membership associations including the Kennedy Commission, 2-1-1 Orange County, <br />and the Southern California Association of Nonprofit Housing, and a letter will be e- <br />mailed to interested developers and nonprofit organizations who had previously <br />requested to be informed of development opportunities on the Community Development <br />Agency's RFP database. Developers and nonprofit organizations interested in being <br />added to the RFP Database can do so by contacting the City's Housing Division. <br />After each deadline, staff will conduct a minimum threshold review of each proposal to <br />ensure the proposal complies with all of the minimum requirements in the RFP. <br />Following the minimum threshold review, staff will form a Review Panel that consists of <br />at least one employee from the City of Santa Ana Public Works Agency, Planning and <br />Building Agency, and Community Development Agency, and one outside agency or <br />government entity. If an employee is not available in one department, a second <br />employee may be requested from one of the other two departments so long as there are <br />at least two of the three City Agencies represented on the Review Panel. Staff will also <br />have a real estate financial advisor on the Review Panel. <br />In compliance with the City's Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures, the <br />Review Panel will use the proposal Scoring and Selection Criteria from the RFP to <br />conduct their review and analysis of each proposal. The Scoring and Selection Criteria <br />includes additional points for projects that will serve veterans, teachers, and first <br />responders. <br />