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7. Failure to pay tuition (or any other charges) when due. <br />8. Breach of Institution enrollment agreement. <br />9. Cheating. <br />10. Falsifying Institute records. <br />11. Carrying a concealed or potentially dangerous weapon. <br />12. Disorderly conduct, which interferes with the learning process of any other student, <br />instructor, or the general progress of the class. <br />13. Instigation and/or participation in rebellious activities against the School and/or its <br />student(s). <br />14. Solicitation which reflects unfavorably upon the School and/or its students. <br />15. Vandalism of School property. <br />16. Any form of gang related activity including but not limited to: flashing of gang signs, <br />wearing of gang colors/attire, etc. <br />17. Fighting (physical or verbal) <br />18. Verbal confrontation with any employee and or student and/or violent behavior <br />19. Failure to comply with federal software piracy statutes forbidding the copying of licensed <br />computer programs <br />Disciplinary action may include, but not limited to, a verbal or written warning, probation, suspension, or <br />dismissal. A student dismissed for unsatisfactory or unprofessional conduct may request re -admittance <br />into his or her program by following the procedure set forth under reinstatement as noted in this catalog. <br />Any student who is given the opportunity for re -admittance shall attend a mandatory intake meeting to <br />discuss his/her responsibilities towards learning and following all the course requirements to ensure a <br />successful outcome. Any student who has been unenrolled (dropped) from the class twice will not be <br />readmitted. <br />Eating in Classrooms <br />Eating and/or drinking are not permitted in classrooms. Unfortunately, due to the necessity of maintain a <br />professional learning environment that respects the rights of all students, children are not permitted on the <br />school premises. <br />Attendance Policy for Nursing Assistant Program: <br />Nursing Assistant Program students must meet the requirements of 60 hours of Theory and 100 hours of <br />Clinical instruction. Maximum allowed theory and clinical absences are 12 hours each, which have to be <br />made up for the student to graduate. If the student exceeds the maximum allowed hours, they shall repeat <br />the entire class, Excused absences include documented health and emergency reasons. All other absences <br />are considered unexcused absences. <br />Attendance Policy for all other programs: <br />Students are expected to attend all classes and clinical learning experiences, The student must adhere to <br />Attendance Policy; specifically policies related to make up hours.. <br />Punctual attendance is required at all class sessions. <br />Updated 091323 23 <br />