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<br /> <br />Resolution No. 2023-XXX <br />Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br />C. As a final review authority on legislative acts for land use matters within the City, <br />the City Council may choose to overrule the ALUC's decision by following the <br />procedure established in PUC Sections 21676 and 21676.5. Before the decision <br />to overrule the ALUC’s Determination of Inconsistency may take place, the City <br />Council must adopt a resolution that authorizes initiation of the two-step overrule <br />process. <br /> <br />D. At least 45 days prior to any decision to overrule ALUC, the governing body <br />shall provide ALUC and the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) <br />Division of Aeronautics a copy of the proposed decision to overrule along with <br />supportive findings. ALUC may provide comments to the City Council within 30 <br />days of receiving the proposed decision and findings. If ALUC’s comments are <br />not available within this time limit, the City Council may act without them. <br />Should comments be received, the City Council must include the comments <br />from ALUC in the public record of any final decision to overrule ALUC. This <br />decision shall be determined at a public hearing to make the specific findings <br />that the proposed overruling is consistent with the purposes stated in Public <br />Utilities Code Section 21670. <br /> <br />E. Staff is hereby directed to conduct further studies as necessary in order to draft <br />and provide notice of the findings in support of the overrule. The 45-day period <br />will begin after staff has forwarded the intent to overrule along with the <br />supportive findings. <br /> <br />F. The Council's adoption of this Resolution is procedural and does not constitute <br />the proposed project’s approval nor does it predispose the City’s future action <br />on the project or any decision to overrule. <br /> <br />G. Should the Council adopt this Resolution directing staff to conduct further <br />studies as necessary in order to make the findings in support of the overrule, a <br />public hearing will be required for Council consideration of the final <br />supplemental environmental impact report, and any associated entitlement <br />applications, for the Related Bristol Specific Plan. <br /> <br /> Section 2. The City Council finds that the requested action is not subject to <br />the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of <br />the CEQA Guidelines as the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the <br />environment. Environmental Impact Report No. 2022-01 (State Clearinghouse No. <br />2020029087) has been prepared for the proposed project as a whole and will be <br />presented to the City Council for consideration, along with the requested general plan <br />amendment and amendment application, at a future hearing date. <br /> <br />