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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />threshold review will be considered non-responsive. The Review Panel for the RFP Process <br />will consist of at least one employee from the Santa Ana Police Department and two <br />employees from the Community Development Agency. Evaluations will include adherence to <br />outlined directions and format, and the City evaluation criteria set forth below. <br /> <br />B. Using the scoring and selection criteria provided below, the Review Panel shall determine <br />whether the proposal is recommended for award. Using the scoring and selection criteria, <br />the Review Panel shall also review the design of the proposed project for appropriateness <br />for at-risk youth, compatibility with surrounding uses, Street Outreach and Engagement, and <br />appropriateness of the design and dispersing mental health and trauma resources to you <br />and their families affected by gang violence. Proposed projects must receive a minimum <br />threshold score of 75 points to move forward in the proposal review process. <br /> <br /> <br />COMPETITIVE SELECTION CRITERIA <br />1. PROGRAM/COMMUNITY NEED <br />(Max 25 Points) <br />Demonstrate a commitment to evidence-based or emerging practices: <br />ELIGIBLE <br />POINTS <br />Share methods to build partnerships with supportive services. Detail <br />mechanisms for making referrals to service providers; Identify and respond to <br />violent and potential violent events <br />5 <br />Engage community partners, community members, and other community <br />stakeholders 5 <br />Interrupt potential violence by mediating conflicts and preventing retaliation 5 <br />Identify and support individuals and groups at the highest risk. 5 <br />Use data to inform daily efforts and make necessary changes to interruption <br />strategies. 5 <br />Sub-total 25 <br />2. PROGRAM DESIGN <br />(Max. 30 Points) <br /> <br />Describe the program structure, activities, participant group, and services to <br />be provided with Gang Prevention and Intervention Program funds and how <br />they align with evidence-based practices. Including mental health and <br />trauma-informed care resources and practices. <br /> <br />10 <br />Describe your plan for recruiting and training the staff who will deliver the <br />program. <br /> <br />10 <br />Describe your plan for recruiting, engaging, and retaining participants in <br />services. <br /> <br />10 <br />. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP No. 23-090A Page 13 of 47 <br />EXHIBIT 1