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2023-070 - Calling and Giving Notice of General Municipal Election to be held on November 5, 2024 for the Submission of a Ballot Measure - Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction
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2023-070 - Calling and Giving Notice of General Municipal Election to be held on November 5, 2024 for the Submission of a Ballot Measure - Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction
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11/8/2023 4:23:27 PM
Creation date
11/8/2023 4:22:15 PM
City Clerk
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wrongful eviction. The prevailing party in an action for wrongful eviction shall recover <br />costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. <br />(e) Public Nuisance. In addition to other penalties provided by law, any <br />condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any provision of this Article shall be <br />deemed a public nuisance and may be summarily abated as such by the City, and each <br />day such condition continues shall constitute a new and separate offense. <br />(f) Non -Exclusive. The remedies provided in this Article are not exclusive, <br />and nothing in this Article shall preclude any person from seeking any other remedies, <br />penalties or procedures provided by law, nor is exhaustion of remedies under this <br />section a prerequisite to the assertion of any other such right. <br />Secs. 8-3201 - 8.3299. - Reserved. <br />Section 2. To the extent that changes in state or federal law adopted after this <br />Ordinance, conflict with this Ordinance, the Santa Ana City Council shall be authorized <br />to make any changes and modifications necessary to conform to the changes in state or <br />federal law without presenting the matter for a vote of the People of the City of Santa <br />Ana. <br />Section 3. If approved by the voters, this Ordinance shall be codified in Article <br />XIX of Chapter 8 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br />Section 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of <br />this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of <br />any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the <br />remaining portions of this Ordinance. The People of the City of Santa Ana hereby <br />declare that they would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, <br />sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more <br />sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or <br />unconstitutional. <br />Section 5. Pursuant to California Elections Code Section 9222, this Ordinance <br />must approved by a majority of the eligible voters of the City of Santa Ana voting at the <br />General Municipal Election of November 5, 2024. <br />Section 6. In the event that this measure and any other measure relating to <br />rent stabilization, rent control, or just cause eviction shall appear on the General <br />Municipal Election ballot for November 5, 2024, the other measure(s) shall be deemed <br />to be in conflict with this measure. In the event that this measure receives a greater <br />number of affirmative votes, the provisions of this measure shall prevail in their entirety, <br />and the provisions of the other measure(s) shall be null and void. However, if this <br />measure is approved by the voters but superseded in whole or in part by another <br />conflicting measure approved by the voters at the same General Municipal Election, and <br />39 <br />
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