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Self -insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. The City may require theTenant to <br />purchase coverage with a lower retention or provide proof of ability to pay losses and related investigations, <br />claim administration, and defense expenses within the retention. The policy language shall provide, or be <br />endorsed to provide, that the self -insured retention may be satisfied by either the named insured or City. <br />Acceptability oflnsurers <br />Insurance is to be placed with insurers authorized to conduct business in the state with a current A.M. <br />Best's rating of no less than A: VII, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. <br />Verification of Coverage <br />Tenant shall furnish the City with original Certificates of Insurance including all required amendatory <br />endorsements (or copies of the applicable policy language effecting coverage requiredby this clause) and a <br />copy of the Declarations and Endorsement Page of the CGL policy listing allpolicy endorsements to City <br />before work begins. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning shal I not <br />waive the Tenant's obligation to provide them. <br />The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including <br />endorsements required by these specifications, at any time. <br />Special Risks or Circumstances <br />City reserves the right to modify these requirements, including limits, based on the nature of therisk, prior <br />experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. <br />16. DAMAGE BY CASUALTY: <br />i. In the event of a fire or other casualty in the Premises, Tenant shall immediately <br />give notice thereof to Landlord. <br />ii. If the Premises, through no fault of Tenant, its agents, employees, invitees, or <br />visitors, shall be partially destroyed by fire or other casualty so as to render the <br />Premises untenantable as reasonably determined by Landlord, Rent shall abate in <br />proportion to the percentage of square footage of the Premises rendered unusable <br />until such time as the Premises are made tenantable as reasonably determined by <br />Landlord. <br />iii. Except where Landlord is not obligated to repair or rebuild the Building or the <br />Premises, Landlord will use due diligence to repair the same (except that Landlord <br />will have no obligation to repair or replace any alteration, addition, or <br />improvements to the Premises other than the Tenant Improvements installed at <br />Landlord's expense which will be repaired only to the level of Building Standard <br />Improvements). <br />iv. In the event of (i) the total destruction of the Premises, (ii) the partial destruction <br />of the Premises or the Building where the same is so damaged that it carrot, in <br />Landlord's reasonable opinion, be repaired within ninety (90) days of the <br />occurrence of such damage, or (iii) damage or destruction as a result of any <br />casualty for which insurance proceeds are not available to pay 100% of the cost <br />of repair or rebuilding, Landlord will have no obligation to repair or rebuild the <br />Premises or the Building. Landlord will make its determination whether to repair <br />or rebuild within ninety (90) days of the occurrence of such damage or destruction. <br />