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FY2022 URBAN AREAS SECURITY INITIATIVE (UASI) <br />Federal Grant #2022-0043 Cal OES Grant # <br />UEI #KZE9G2M4GRX9 Sub-Recipient Performance Period <br />059-95010 Amendment # 1 <br />08/09/2023 tO 03/31/2025 <br />This amendment is between the City of Anaheim and the Grant Sub-Recipient: <br />City of Santa Ana <br />The Sub-Recipient agrees to the amendment of the Grant Sub-Recipient Award Agreement as specified <br />below: <br />Increase the FY2022 UASI sub-recipient award to the City of Santa Ana from Sll,822,800.00 to <br />Sl,927,800.00 as follows: <br />022 - Regional Exercise Program (Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercise) - S30,000.00 <br />043 - Regional Training Program (Terrorism I, II, and Ill) - S75,000.00 <br />All other provisions of this agreement shall remain as previously agreed upon. <br />Please refer to the FY22 ASAUA Sub-Recipient Grant Guide for all reporting and reimbursement <br />deadlines associated with the sub-award agreement. <br />1, <br />Richard LaRochelle, Jr. - Lieutenant <br />City of Anaheim <br /> € -4 ' = - _ .' . - l -' l_ ' . I .,' _ : . , ) - - " i "' - . - -0 - . . - _ - I l S - - _l, ,a l _. '-, l-, , , , ) a ,, ._ . A _ _,'> j -, ji 1. .a' l--l - ' a l u- ' % -* ;, -,l_ . I x ,, , l '_ ! , <br />AUTHORIZED A6ENT-I- a - - a I - " I ' - "1%" - 'a - ' - - ' X a ' ao! " - a 11 li aA % "ff -a a r & k 'l ir k a ' N - - -. - i - +. - s i - - - >- - . _ _ _ ,, _ .__ , _ <br />Q_1)I s ?UH UHI!:.t VAlLtTNHrq lt_) - ll 12 <br />Authorized Signa'Jur(Date <br />I)p\),TD \141,.E/vT,Tlu CffrEF 0f f)01,.((6 <br />Printed Name Title <br />CFDA #97.067 Grant #2022-0043 Cal OES ID #059-95010 <br />Exhibit 2