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EEC <br />ENVIRONMENTAL <br />Provide the City with background and update information regarding current and <br />emerging MS-4 requirements, as they relate to the WDR. <br />Obtain data and information to keep the FSE inventory up to date. <br />Manage and process inspection pictures, GRE requirement documents, permits, and <br />other documents for all FSEs. EEC will update and maintain the geodatabase with <br />document information that will enable inspectors and managers to access documents <br />through the infraMAP interface. <br />Review the City Municipal Code and recommend modifications or enhancements to the <br />FOG control program. <br />As needed, conduct site assessments of FSEs to determine or evaluate GCD retrofit <br />options. <br />Manage the FOG geodatabase and GIS files, such as map documents. <br />Provide follow-up documentation assistance and expertise to City's FOG Control <br />Program Manager. <br />Conduct QAIQC reviews of FSE inspection results. <br />Coordinate, establish work schedules, and provide educational and training information <br />to City personnel as needed or as requested by the City. <br />Provide the City with experienced and knowledgeable professional staff, during and <br />outside of normal work hours (as needed). <br />This core services effort will be performed as an element of As -Assigned FOG Program <br />Management services. <br />Value -Added Program Management Services <br />Based on its recognized FOG expertise, EEC has been able to work with agencies across the <br />country, exposing the team to a variety of innovative ideas and concepts that can be shared <br />with the City. EEC also works with some of the City's neighboring agencies and can share field <br />intelligence regarding sewer investigations and FSE issues that might impact the City's <br />programs. <br />3. FSE Inspections and Enforcement <br />EEC will provide well qualified and experienced personnel, including bilingual inspectors where <br />necessary, to conduct routine FOG inspections. EEC will monitor inspection progress using the <br />City's infraMAP and GIS tools to ensure the FOG control program tasks are on track to meet <br />inspection and follow-up targets. EEC routinely performs QAIQC, from work order initiation to <br />project completion, of FOG inspectors as well as the data entered into databases and sync'd <br />with the City. EEC will work with the City's FOG Control Program Manager to evaluate the <br />continued implementation of FOG -risk --based inspection prioritization processes to further <br />optimize the City's inspection resources. EEC will provide the following services under this task: <br />Conduct on -site, physical inspections of FSEs as <br />determined by City's FOG Control Program Manager <br />Provide bilingual outreach and educational materials to <br />FSEs, including inspection summary reports <br />Provide the City, as needed, with educational and BMP <br />information <br />Promote the importance of kitchen BMPs <br />Coordinate and establish work schedules <br />Permitting Inspection Inventory <br />Proposal to Provide WDR Compliance Services - <br />City of Santa Ana, RFP 20-089 is August 4, 2020 <br />