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City Response to Anchor Stone Christian Church <br />ADDeal No. 2023-07 <br />Comment 1: Applicant appeals for the reasons in Tab 1. <br />Reason A: Corporate headquarters and campuses are expressly permitted uses under <br />the Industrial/Flex-Medium land use designation. <br />Reason B: The property is within Professional (P) zoning district, and churches are <br />permitted uses in that district. <br />Reason C: The Development Review Committee (DRC) denial letter issued on June 1, <br />2023, provides no rational or legal basis for its decision to deny the proposed CUP. <br />Response 1: See responses to points A through B below. <br />Response A: Staffs evaluation of the submitted project relied exclusively on the details <br />provided by the applicant within the application, which explicitly indicates that the intended <br />land use is for assembly purposes. <br />In this case, staffs assessment was entirely framed by the information contained within <br />the application and plans, and staff had no basis for considering any corporate <br />headquarters plans that were not explicitly detailed. As such, the staffs review was firmly <br />anchored in the scope of the proposed assembly use. Moreover, in May of 2023, Anchor <br />Stone Christian Church applied for a certificate of occupancy (COO) for an administrative <br />office space only. However, Anchor Stone Christian Church has not finalized the COO as <br />they have not scheduled the required inspection conducted by the City of Santa Ana <br />Building Division. <br />Response B: Pursuant to Section 41-313.5 of the SAMC, churches and accessory church <br />buildings may be permitted in the P zoning district, subject to the issuance of a conditional <br />use permit. Churches and accessory church buildings are not a uses that are permitted <br />by right. <br />Pursuant to Section 41-638 of the SAMC CUPs may be granted only when it can be shown <br />that a project will not adversely impact the community and General Plan. If these findings <br />can be made, then it is appropriate to grant the CUP. Conversely, the inability to make <br />these findings results in a denial. <br />Furthermore, SAMC Section 41-638(a)(1) requires that all five of the specified findings of <br />fact contained therein are satisfied before the Planning Commission may grant approval <br />of a CUP, one of which is evaluating if the project will adversely affect the General Plan. <br />The subject site's General Plan land use designation is Flex-3, which allows <br />office/industrial flex spaces, research and development, and manufacturing corporate <br />headquarters/campuses, and does not permit community assembly uses (e.g., churches) <br />as a permissible use. Lastly, the proposed use will not be consistent with the goals and <br />policies of the General Plan, including those from the Land Use Element (LU) and the <br />Economic Prosperity Element (EP), as was comprehensible analyzed in the project staff <br />report. <br />Response C: The DRC denial letter issued on June 1, 2023, outlined the requirements <br />needed for the Development Project (DP) application to be deemed complete by City staff. <br />Pursuant to the Standards of Approval outlined in Section 41-670(1) and Section 41- <br />673(b)(1) of the SAMC, the proposed project must be consistent with the general plan and <br />