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Project Team Organization <br />Kleinfelder has assembled a team with expertise and experience in <br />providing geotechnical investigations and recommendations for various <br />types of public works projects, including water and wastewater facilities <br />and infrastructure needs such as water and sewer pipelines and storm <br />drain improvements; sidewalks, bike paths, curb and gutter replacement; <br />residential street slurry seal; asphalt concrete and/or PCC streets repair <br />and overlay; neighborhood traffic improvements; parks and recreation <br />facilities, and more. <br />As the City is aware, materials testing and special inspections are often <br />required on these types of projects, and as the scope of services outlines, <br />we have assigned experienced staff to provide these services as required. <br />Committed, Experienced Project Leadership <br />Project Manager / Principal Agent and point of contact Mr. Dany Hanna, PE, brings 22 years of <br />experience managing similar large public agency contracts and on -calls with numerous project/task <br />orders occurring simultaneously. And, having managed prior contracts with the City, Mr. Hanna <br />possesses a full understanding of the services, requirements, and expectations of these types of <br />projects. <br />Mr. Hanna is ready and available to manage the City's project/task order and proposal requests, project <br />challenges, and contractual matters. He will remain committed to assisting the City and communicating <br />with the team to ensure you are provided the most qualified staff, rapid response, and highest level of <br />service for every project. <br />Under Mr. Hanna's leadership, the City can be confident that they will continue to receive the <br />exceptional level of service and management that you have come to know and trust from <br />Kleinfelder. <br />Mr. Hanna will be supported by a leadership team from our local Southern California offices: Eric Noel, <br />PE, GE, and Jeffery Waller, PE, GE, each with decades of on -call project management experience, <br />along with Quality Assurance Manager Jeffrey Walker, PE, GE. Mr. Noel and Mr. Waller will serve as <br />associates in charge when Mr. Hanna is unavailable. This team is supported by technical support staff <br />assigned to the contract (see organization chart), Kleinfelder's additional Southern California resources, <br />as well as proposed subcontractors for services we have learned can typically be anticipated for <br />municipal on -call contracts. <br />The Kleinfelder Team is well suited to successfully execute the City's scope of work. We will provide the <br />City with proven, technically proficient experts who will consistently deliver high -quality projects within the <br />established schedule and budget. The following organization chart identifies staff assigned to this <br />contract, lines of communication, and roles and responsibilities. <br />KEY MARKETS 1961 e 33000+ <br />PUBLIC SECTOR FOUNDED 4=n EMPLOYEES <br />(STATE, LOCAL, <br />TRANSPORTATION) WE ARE ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS, <br />AND CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS <br />PRIVATE SECTOR <br />• (OIL & GAS, POWER, <br />UTILITIES, INDUSTRIAL) <br />LK E/NFELOER <br />a 9hr�op,e.p;9h,so,;o�,. City of Santa Ana On -Call Professional Engineering Services — RFP No. 23-123 1 Page 5 <br />