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3.1.2 Payment of Subject Fees. Owner, or its successor in interest to the Property or <br />any portion thereof, shall be liable for the payment of the Subject Fees pursuant to this Agreement. The <br />Subject Fees for a residential building constructed between Phases I and II described in Section 2.1 shall <br />be due and payable at the termination of the Deferral Period for each respective project phase. No <br />certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for the building, any <br />portion, or any residential units thereof on the Property unless and until all Subject Fees ordinarily <br />required to have been paid absent this Agreement have been paid in full for each respective project phase <br />(Phase I or Phase II). Said Subject Fees shall be due to each Project Phase independently for Phase I and <br />separately for Phase II. <br /> <br />3.1.3 Subject Fee Amount. Except as may otherwise be provided for by a statutory <br />development agreement for the Property, as approved by the City, the amount of the Subject Fee for each <br />residential unit to be developed on the Property shall be determined according to the rate of the Subject <br />Fee adopted by the City and in effect on the date when the building permit for the residential building is <br />issued by the City. Upon issuance of each building permit, the City shall complete and attach the form set <br />forth in Exhibit “B” to this Agreement to reflect the amount of the Subject Fee applicable at the time of <br />issuance of that building permit and attach a copy of the building permit, which shall collectively <br />thereafter be incorporated as part of this Agreement. <br /> <br />3.1.4 Obligation for Payment of Subject Fee. Owner hereby acknowledges and agrees <br />that Owner’s obligation to pay the Subject Fees shall continue and remain an obligation of Owner, or any <br />successors in interest of Owner, including, without limitation, any successor in interest to the Property or <br />any portion of the Property. Without limiting the nature of the foregoing, any Subject Fees that remain <br />unpaid following the time that they are required to be paid may be collected by the City as a personal <br />obligation of the Owner, or any successor of Owner, as a special assessment aga inst the property <br />(collected at the same time and in the same manner as ad valorem property taxes), or by any combination <br />of the foregoing. <br /> <br />3.2 Covenant of Owner. Owner covenants that he, she or it is eligible to enter into this <br />Agreement and has fulfilled the requirements for approval of deferral for the Subject Fees. Should O wner <br />and/or the Property be deemed at any time prior or subsequent to execution of this Agreement to be <br />ineligible for a deferral of Subject Fees regardless of whether Owner intentionally or unintentionally <br />misrepresented to the City that Owner was eligible for a deferral of Subject Fees, City may terminate this <br />Agreement and require all Subject Fes ordinarily required to have been paid absent this Agreement to be <br />immediately paid in full. <br /> <br />3.3 Recordation of Agreement. Upon the execution of this Agreement, the City shall cause <br />this Agreement to be recorded in the Official Records of the County of Orange, California. All costs <br />assessed by the County of Orange for recordation of this Agreement shall be paid by the Owner. <br /> <br />3.4 Lien against Property. From and after its execution, this Agreement shall contractually <br />bind Owner to pay all Subject Fees as provided in this Agreement, and shall constitute a lien against the <br />Property in an amount equal to the total Subject Fees, pursuant to Government Code section 66007(c)(2). <br />Upon payment to City of the total amount of the Subject Fees for the Property, City shall, at the request of <br />the O wner, execute and record in the Official records of the County of Orange, California, a release of the <br />lien from the Property in substantially the form of Exhibit “C” which is attached hereto and incorporated