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<br />CITY COUNCIL 10 June 06, 2023 <br />MINUTES: At 8:12 PM, Mayor Amezcua considered the agenda out of order and heard <br />Public Hearing Item No. 54 after Agenda Item No. 10. <br /> <br />54. Public Hearing: City Council De Novo Review of Planning Commission Decision <br />Regarding Conditional Use Permit No. 2023-09 – Mariscos Hector ABC License <br />Legal notice published in the Orange County Reporter on May 24, 2023 and <br />notices mailed on said date. <br />Department(s): Planning and Building Agency <br />Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council take the following <br />actions: <br />1. Conduct a De Novo review of the Planning Commission’s approval of <br />Conditional Use Permit No. 2023-09 for consistency with the General Plan and <br />compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, and consider any concerns raised by the <br />City Council, the public, and interested parties regarding the project; and <br /> <br />2. Based on the De Novo review, the City Council may choose to uphold or modify <br />the Planning Commission’s approval, make the appropriate findings to deny the <br />Conditional Use Permit and direct staff to prepare a resolution for adoption, or <br />refer the Conditional Use Permit back the Planning Commission for <br />reconsideration and analysis of the issues raised by the City. <br /> <br />If approved, adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA TO CONDUCT A DE NOVO <br />REVIEW OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S APPROVAL OF <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2023-09 AS CONDITIONED TO ALLOW <br />SALE OF DISTILLED SPIRITS IN ADDITION TO EXISTING BEER AND WINE <br />SALES FOR ON-PREMISES CONSUMPTION AT MARISCOS HECT OR <br />SPORTS GRILL LOCATED AT 1208 EAST MCFADDEN AVENUE (includes <br />determination that the project is categorically exempt from further review under <br />the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15301 (Class 1 – <br />Existing Facilities)). <br /> <br />MINUTES: Mayor Amezcua opened the public hearing at 8:13 P.M. <br /> <br />1. Arthur Newton, legal counsel for Mariscos Hector and Maria Sebold, provided <br />comments on behalf of his client. <br /> <br />2. Nicole Olivas addressed the Council via teleconference and spoke in support of <br />Mariscos Hector. <br /> <br />The following speakers addressed Council in person: <br /> <br />3. Jose Rea spoke in opposition to Mariscos Hector. <br /> <br />4. Manuel Granados spoke in opposition to the approval of an ABC License for <br />Mariscos Hector.   <br />  <br />City Council 5 – 10 12/19/2023