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ENGAGEMENT METHOD- CITYWIDE <br />EVENTS <br />City of Santa Ana Finance & <br />Management Services <br />December 19, 2023 <br />It is estimated that fewer than 20% of residents have ever attended a <br />public meeting (Polco, November 2022). To reach the other 80%, it is <br />incumbent on the City to cast a wider net. Citywide events tend to have <br />higher rates of attendance and are therefore the most productive in <br />terms of reach. These are the events currently planned for Winter/Spring <br />2024. <br />Lunar New Year Festival- February 3, 2024 <br />Eggcellent Adventure- March 30, 2024 <br />Santa Ana Fun Run- April 27, 2024 <br />Dia de los Niños- April 27, 2024