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DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F600352-BAC6-49E4-AA63-D136F2020250 <br />RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING RENTAL SPACE <br />1. No Renter will be allowed to open until all the preliminary requirements herein set forth have been <br />complied with. <br />2. Renter will conduct his business in a quiet and orderly manner; will deposit all rubbish, slop, <br />garbage, tin cans, paper, etc. in receptacles provided by the Association within Premises plot for such <br />purpose, and will keep the area within and surrounding Premises free from all rubbish and debris. <br />3. All buildings, temporary tents, or enclosures erected by Renter shall have the prior written approval of <br />Association and the local fire suppression authorities. Renter shall not affix any fixtures to the Premises without <br />the written preapproval of the Association and if the removal of the fixture may be affected without injury to the <br />Premises. Upon request, Renter will furnish Association with a list of all sales prices and other charges of any <br />kind whatsoever to be charged by the Renter. If Renter is a food serving concession and not restricted to specific <br />items, Renter shall submit menus and prices to Association for approval at least twelve (12) hours in advance of <br />each day's operation. Upon request, Renter must furnish to Association receipts for license fees, tax deposits, <br />insurance, etc., prior to event. <br />4. Renter will conduct the privileges granted in this Agreement according to all the rules and requirements <br />of applicable state and local health authorities, and without infringement upon the rights and privileges of others; <br />will not handle or sell any commodities or transact any business whatsoever for which an exclusive privilege is <br />sold by Association, nor engage in any other business whatsoever upon or within said Premises or Fairgrounds, <br />except that which is herein expressly stipulated and contracted for; will confine said transactions to the Premises <br />and privilege provided in the Agreement, and that any and all exclusives granted Renter shall not include the <br />Carnival and the Carnival Area. <br />5. Renter will post in a conspicuous manner at the front entrance to the concession, a sign showing the prices <br />to be charged for all articles offered for sale to the public under the Agreement; the size of said sign, manner and <br />place of posting to be pre -approved by Association. <br />6. Association will furnish necessary janitor service for all aisles, streets, roads and areas used by the public, <br />but Renter must, at his/her own expense, keep the Premises and adjacent areas properly arranged and clean. All <br />concessions must be clean, all coverings removed, and the concession ready for business each day at least one <br />hour before the Fair is open to the public. Receptacles will be provided at several locations to received Renter's <br />trash, and such trash must not be swept into the aisles or streets or any public areas. <br />7. All sound -producing devices used by Renter within the Premises must be of such a nature and must be so <br />operated, as not to cause annoyance or inconvenience to patrons or to other Concessionaires or Exhibitors. The <br />decision of Association as to the desirability of any such sound producing device shall be final and conclusive. <br />Sound -amplification equipment may be installed only by first obtaining written permission thereof from <br />Association. <br />8. Renter agrees that there will be no games, gambling or any other activities in which money is used as a <br />prize or premium, and that Renter shall not buy and/or permit "buy backs" for cash, any prizes or premiums given <br />away to patrons. Only straight merchandising methods shall be used and all methods of operation, demonstration <br />and sale, shall be subject to the approval of the Association and the local law enforcement officials. <br />9. Renter is entirely responsible for the Premises and agrees to reimburse Association for any damage to the <br />real property, equipment, or grounds use in connection with the Premises, reasonable wear and tear expected. <br />Renter agrees to inspect the conditions of the Premises and of all property it will use on the Premises, including <br />but not limited to equipment, furniture or other personal property owned by Association, and to be entirely <br />responsible for the use of the Premises and such property. <br />10. Association may provide watchman service, which will provide for reasonable protection of the property <br />of Renters, but Association shall not be responsible for loss or damage to the property of Renter. <br />