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SECTION XIX <br />CIVIC CENTER <br />A. General Specifications <br />1. In addition to the standard Grounds -Landscape Specification, the following special <br />maintenance shall be performed. Downtown Civic Center Grounds and Landscape — <br />The Downtown Civic Center Area is the home of federal, state, county, and city <br />government for Orange County. The classification of maintenance required at this site <br />is considered "high -end commercial." <br />2. All pedestrian hardscape areas, including but not limited to plazas, malls, sidewalks, <br />pedestrian street crossing, vehicular drop-off areas, etc., shall be blown and/or swept <br />clean daily; Monday - Friday. The Contractor is not responsible for blowing parking <br />lots, only for litter removal. Contractor is not responsible for pressure washing. <br />3. All site amenities, including but not limited to, signage, benches, hand railing, electrical <br />boxes, public telephones, newspaper machines, cigarette urns, light bollards, etc. shall <br />be completely wiped clean with a germicidal cleanser and polished continuously as <br />stains and dust appear. <br />4. All trash receptacles shall be emptied daily, seven (7) days per week and replaced with <br />new trash liners. The Contractor shall install trash liners so as not to be seen on the <br />exterior of the receptacles. The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing missing <br />trash receptacle lids and interior waste receptacles when missing. Lids and interior <br />waste receptacles shall be provided by the City. Lids shall be completely wiped clean <br />with a germicidal cleanser and polished continuously as stains appear. <br />5. All cigarette urns shall be sifted daily Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The sand in the <br />cigarette urns shall be fresh and leveled. Contractor shall replace cigarette urn sand with <br />#20 white silica sand once per month. <br />6. All drinking fountains shall be completely wiped clean with a germicidal cleanser and <br />polished to a high luster with an approved product on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday <br />of each week. <br />7. All trees below 15' shall be pruned four (4) time per year (first week in January, April, <br />July, and October) using hand shears and loppers. The intent is to prune the plant <br />material without the average lay person noticing the cuts. <br />8. All shrubs requiring hedging shall be trimmed every two weeks. <br />9. Replace all 52 state flags in the Plaza of the Flags the first week of January and July of <br />each year. Flags to be provided by City. <br />10.AII turf in the Civic Center area is considered priority turf. <br />11.Perennial/Annual Color: All perennial/annual color beds shall be maintained and <br />planted/rotated three (3) times per year (first week of January, May, and September) as <br />detailed in Attachment 5. <br />12.Fertilization: Cyad and Palms shall be fertilized two (2) times per year (first week in <br />March and September) per the City's agronomic plan. <br />13.The Contractor shall be required to clean trash and large debris in parking lots in the <br />Civic Center. The work shall be performed in the early morning hours or at a time of <br />day that will not disturb residents. If the work is to be performed during the day, the <br />contractor shall develop a strategy to close off parking lots to prevent people from <br />parking so he/she may clean the entire parking lot. <br />14.All signage, drinking fountains, concrete pads, trash receptacles, site furniture, <br />bollards, concrete or asphalt areas with stains around trash receptacles, security <br />RFP 23-151 Landscape Maintenance Services Page 65 of 135 <br />