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acre, the number of people in a given area, floor area ratio (FAR), and other measures of <br />building intensity, building height, size limitations, and use restrictions. <br />(C) The GPU identifies that the Interim Development Standard for the FLEX-1.5 <br />area is M1. The M1 zone provides for a variety of light industrial uses, including <br />warehousing, manufacture, assembly, machine shops, wholesale businesses and <br />ancillary uses such as office uses that do not exceed thirty (30) percent of the gross floor <br />area. The Project would result in a FAR of 0.14, which is within the projections of the GPU <br />EIR, which evaluated a density of 1.5 FAR on the site. The GPU EIR adequately <br />anticipated and analyzed the impacts of this Project and identified applicable mitigation <br />measures necessary to reduce impacts of the Project, and the Project implements the <br />applicable mitigation measures. <br />(D) Specifically, the Project qualifies for the exemption because the following <br />findings can be made: <br />1. The Project is consistent with the development density established by existing <br />zoning, community plan or general plan policies for which an EIR was certified. <br />The Project would result in a FAR of 0.14, which is less than the maximum FAR of <br />1.5 allowable in the FLEX-1.5 designated area, which is the development density <br />established by the GPU and analyzed in the GPU EIR. The Project site has an <br />Interim Development Standard of M-1 (light Industrial zone). The M-1 zone does <br />not have density requirements. <br />2. There are no Project specific effects which are peculiar to the Project or its site, <br />and which the GPU EIR failed to analyze as significant effects. The subject <br />property is similar to other properties in the area, including its land use designation <br />and zoning. The property does not support any peculiar environmental features, <br />and the Project would not result in any peculiar effects. In addition, as explained <br />further in the prepared Exemption Checklist, project impacts were adequately <br />analyzed by the GPU EIR; and as detailed in the GPU EIR, development projects <br />pursuant to the GPU, such as the proposed Project, could result in potentially <br />significant impacts to air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and noise. However, <br />applicable mitigation measures specified within the GPU EIR would reduce <br />potential impacts to a less than significant level. <br />3. There are no potentially significant off -site and/or cumulative impacts which the <br />GPU EIR failed to evaluate. The Project is consistent with the density and use <br />characteristics of the development considered by the GPU EIR and would <br />represent a small part of the growth that was forecast for build -out of the GPU. The <br />GPU EIR considered the incremental impacts of the Project, and as explained <br />further in the prepared Exemption Checklist, no potentially significant off -site or <br />cumulative impacts have been identified which were not previously evaluated. <br />4. There is no substantial new information which results in more severe impacts than <br />anticipated by the GPU EIR. As explained in the prepared Exemption <br />Checklist, no new information has been identified which would result in a <br />determination of a more severe impact than what had been anticipated by the GPU <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX <br />Page 4 of 16 <br />