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EXHIBIT 1 <br />State of Cantarrb--Department or General Sarvlcaa,Procurement Divislon <br />GSPMS-1D5 mEVOSMU)IrstruCtlons <br />BIDDER DECLARATION Instructions <br />All prime bldders {tke fiem submittingthe bid) must complete the Bidder Monition. <br />i.a. <br />11. <br />Identlfyall Currant cerggcatlansIssued by the State of CgIfornra. If the prime bldderhas no(aliforith <br />cerdfication(s), checkthe line Iaheled'Homeand proceed to Item p2, If the pdme bidder possesses one or <br />more of the following certlficatlons,enterthe appllable certificatlai{s) on tho Ilne: <br />Mlcrebushless (MO) <br />Small Business (SO) <br />NonpioMVntcronletvire Agency (NVSA) <br />• Disabled VeteianPalnessEnterprise (DYBq <br />Matk dther"Yes"or"fid'to Ideetfyxfiothersubmntradors wlII bowed forthe contract. If theresporoe is <br />"No,proceed to Itemdl.c. li'W,'enter on the line the distinct element of work contained In the contract <br />to be pot fonoed orthe goods to be provided by the prime bidder. %out liulude goods arservkestabe <br />provided hysukcontractors. <br />Bidders cerilfied as MB,SB, NVSA,andlor DVBE must provide a tam merdally useful function as defined in <br />Military anclVeterans(ode Secgan999far DYBEs andfiovernment Code Seddon 14837(d)(4)(A) forsmalll <br />n1lowbusinesses. <br />Bids must propose that certified bidders provide a commerciadyasefid function for the resulting da ntrad or <br />the bldwill bedeomed iton-responsfre and rejected by the State. For quesdonsregarding the solldlotion, <br />Nate: A subcontrador is any parson,iirm, corporation, or c rganiration contracting to perform <br />part of tho primes contract. <br />U. This Item Is only to be completed by businesses certified by California as aDVBE. <br />(1) DedarewhethertheprimeWile*abrokeraragentbymarkingdther"Yes"or'No:The Military and <br />Yeterans Code Salton 999,2 tb] deflltes"broker"ar ageni`as a certified DVBE contractorar subron- <br />tractorthat does not have title, possessbn,control, and riskofioss of materials,supplies,servlces,or <br />equipment provided to an awarding departmeat,unless one or mare of the disabled veteran owners <br />has atleast 51-percent ownership ofthe quairdlyand value oftile materials supplies serrices,aad of <br />each piece of equipment provided under the contract <br />(2) IfblMngrental equlprnerd markelther"Yes or No°toldentlfylfthe pdmewelderownsatleast 51% <br />of the equipment pmvlded (quantity and value). If nat bidding rental equlpmenG mark"NIA'for"nod <br />applicable." <br />2. Una subcontractors aii proposecldo not complete the table. Read the caidificatIon otthe bottom ofthi <br />form and complete'Page,, �,of,' on thefwm. <br />ifsubcontracmrs will be used, complete the table listing all subcontractors. Ifnecessary,attach additional <br />pages and complete the"Page _ of'accordligly. <br />2,(millneed)Column Labels <br />SrsbroutracforNanve:ContadPersan;PhonaNumberBFmrlfumhar- lEsieach dementforall <br />subcontractors, <br />Sabcoatractordiddrem&fmol/ArIfts—Enter the address andlfavaBable, an Emall address. <br />CalertlRraNnn fAfR,SB, fINSA, DVRfarNane)---If tkesukcantraRmpoasesses a current Stateaf <br />011ferrila rtlficatlan(sl,vedfyonthis webslte(yry a Deuce. d,d s <br />1Parbperfnrtuedarrpaodsprnvidedfor tbfsconlrod—ldenilfythedlstinctelement ofworkcontalned <br />in the contract to be performed or the goods to bepravided byeach sabtomtractoc Certified sub(oniradors <br />mustproAdea caaarnemlally useful funttlon for the contract. (See paragraph 1.b above for codedtatlons <br />regarding the definitlon of rommercially useful fundlon.) If a certified subcontractor Is farther suhmntrach <br />Ing a greater portion afthe work or goods provided brtbe resulting contractthan would be expected by <br />normal Indwtrypiactices altadl a separatesheet ofpapererpiaining the situation. <br />Cariespovadbig%ofbfdpdre--fnterthe corresponding percentage of thetotal bid pricefur thegoods <br />andlarsairlces to bepravided by each subcontractor. Do not enter@ ddiaramount. <br />6oadStond1aQ7--provide a response for each subcomractar I sted. Enter elther"Yas"ar"No"to indicate <br />that thepdme bidder has verified that the subconloctor(s) is In good standing for all of the following: <br />If a corporation, the company is qualified rode business In Callfornla and designated by the State <br />of California 5ecretaly of State to be fu goodstariding <br />Possesses valid State of t_alifiomla certlficadon(s) if chlmrng MB,SB, NVSA, and/or DVBE status <br />57%Rertfal7---This pertains to the appilablilty of rental egarpment Based on the fallowing parameters, <br />mterelthtt"NiA"(notappilczbie),Wfs"or"No"foreadt sdcontradcellsted, <br />Enter"N)RTthe° <br />Subcontractor KNOT a DYBE (regardless ofwllether ornot rental equipment isprovided bythe <br />subconlractor)or <br />SobcormactorlsNOTprovidingrentarequipmenl(regardlessofwhetherormot submntradoifsa <br />DVBO <br />Enter"Yes"if the subcontractor is a Caglondar certified DYBEproviding rental equipment and the <br />subcontractor owns at least 51%of the rental equlpmeit(quanlity anndval ue) It will be providing for <br />tie contract. <br />Enter" No" lithe subcontractor isa California celled DYBE providing rental equipment but the sub- <br />contractordoes NOf own at least 51%ofthe rental equipment (quiolityand value) Itwlll be providing, <br />Read the certification at the bottom ofthepage and completethe"Page^of. ,"nuardingly, <br />