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EXHIBIT 1 <br />completing classroom skills training, entering pre -apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs, and enrolling <br />in post -secondary education as distinct paths to obtaining skills in high -wage, high -demand industries <br />including Trades (Construction), Manufacturing, Information Technology, Culinary Arts, and Transportation <br />(Truck Driving). We will utilize training providers included in the State Eligible Providers List (ETPL) to <br />match participants with State -approved classroom skills training programs that meet their needs and goals. <br />We will also assist participants in identifying and enrolling in pre -apprenticeship and apprenticeship <br />programs that may offer subsidized "learn and earn" employment opportunities. Participants will also have <br />the opportunity to enroll in post -secondary education at local colleges and universities to pursue degree or <br />certificate programs that will lead to employment opportunities in high -demand occupations. <br />Career Coach: All participants will be assigned to a Career Navigator, who will conduct intake and <br />assessment activities, help to develop life and employment goals, prepare an Individualized Employment <br />Plan (IEP), identify supportive services to address basic and immediate issues including housing, legal, <br />mental and physical health, and other federal, state, and local assistance programs, and offer individualized, <br />compassionate, and client -focused guidance to maximize participants' potential to achieve their individual <br />goals. They will be supported by our volunteer force of Career Coaches, who will assist participants in <br />developing resumes, assessing communication and interview skills, reviewing labor market information, <br />identifying career opportunities, and assisting the Career Navigators. <br />Participants will also be provided with open access to the state-of-the-art Working Wardrobes job search lab, <br />which is located at our Career Success Center in Santa Ana and is equipped with computers, printers, and <br />resource materials to help them produce resumes, research occupational and employment opportunities, and <br />identify other employment -related resources. <br />Vocational Assessment: The program's Career Navigators will work closely with each participant to help <br />them identify basic skills, interests, abilities, and values to determine suitable career paths. Assessment tools <br />will include True Colors, O*Net Online, and a career inventory to identify occupational interests and skill <br />sets. The results of the assessments will inform the development of each participant's IEP and establish a <br />clear plan for training and employment goals and supportive services needs. The Career Navigators will <br />meet with each participant on a biweekly basis to review progress, revise goals, and offer additional <br />assistance as needed. <br />Job Placement Assistance: The program's Job Developer will work closely with the Workforce Solutions <br />Centers, the State Employment Development Department, Orange County Business Council, Chambers of <br />Commerce, employment agencies, and local employers to identify job opportunities for participants with a <br />focus on high demand occupations including Trades (Construction), Manufacturing, Information Technology, <br />Culinary Arts, and Transportation (Truck Driving). The program's goal is to help participants secure <br />employment as soon as possible to help them achieve financial stability, especially for those enrolled in skills <br />training programs and post -secondary education. <br />The Career Navigators will match participants with job openings based on their skills, interests, and training <br />and support their job search process through assistance in completing job applications, referring them to job <br />openings, and providing coaching and encouragement to support their success in securing employment. <br />Working Wardrobes will also hold periodic in -person Hiring Events which will offer in -person networking <br />opportunities with local employers to facilitate access to available job openings. <br />Supportive Services: The program will provide participants with direct financial aid to help them address <br />transportation needs (through the provision of gasoline debit cards and bus passes) and other incidental needs <br />addressing barriers to employment (such as identification/credentials, background checks, grooming, etc.) <br />and support their ability to access services and employment opportunities. <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />