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EXHIBIT 1 <br />WORKING WARDROBES FORA NEW START <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) NO. 23-106A <br />FIRM AND TEAM EXPERIENCE <br />December 20, 2023 <br />Working Wardrobes for a New Start is a nonprofit organization founded in 1990. Over the past 33 years we <br />have provided comprehensive and impactful workforce and life skills training, job placement assistance, and <br />professional wardrobing for over 120,000 individuals. Our mission statement is: We help people overcome <br />barriers to gainful employment. Our target service population is low-income persons from marginalized <br />groups seeking to enter the workforce or achieve career advancement, with a focus on assisting persons of <br />color, veterans, seniors, and justice involved individuals as well as those who have faced major life crises <br />including homelessness, substance abuse, domestic violence, chronic illness, and/or long-term <br />unemployment. In 2022 alone, Working Wardrobes provided assistance to a total of 4,420 clients receiving <br />16,575 units of service. Our 2023 organizational budget is $5,432,640 and we employ a staff of 40 <br />employees. Our impressive record of longevity, sustainability, and success demonstrates our ability and <br />commitment to helping our clients realize "The Power of a Paycheck." <br />4.00 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees will be working directly on this program, including our Director <br />of Client Services (0.50 FTE), two (2) Career Navigators (total 2.00 FTE), Client Services Administrator <br />(0.25 FTE), Job Developer (1.00 FTE), and Wardrobe Specialist (0.25 FTE). <br />The Working Wardrobes corporate headquarters and Career Success Center are located at 2000 E. McFadden <br />Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705. Working Wardrobes serves all of Orange County and the surrounding regions of <br />southern California. <br />The supervising Project Manager will be Bianca Herrera, Director of Client Services. She is based at the <br />Working Wardrobes headquarters in Santa Ana. Her email address is and <br />her phone number is 714-210-2460. <br />The following Working Wardrobes positions will be assigned to this program: <br />Director of Client Services <br />Career Navigator #1 <br />Career Navigator #2 <br />Client Services Administrator <br />Job Developer <br />Wardrobe Specialist <br />All staff members filling these positions will be qualified to fulfill their job responsibilities and execute the <br />program's services. The specific responsibilities of each position as related to this program are identified <br />within the Budget and Narrative (Attachment C). <br />Working Wardrobes confirms our commitment that personnel as identified in this proposal will be available <br />throughout the program/contract term. <br />Working Wardrobes has assisted justice involved individuals throughout our 33 years of service to Orange <br />County and the surrounding regions of southern California. We began providing workforce skills training <br />and job placement assistance focused on the challenges and needs of this population in 2013 by conducting <br />workshops at the Orange County Men's and Women's Jails and the Theo Lacy facility, and we have since <br />expanded our experience and reach through our execution of three government contracts: 1) Orange County <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />