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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Wardrobe Services <br />One professional and two business casual outfits (including accessories and shoes) to each participant <br />for interviews and on-the-job. <br />50 regular size participants @ $420/ea. = $21,000 <br />34 plus size participants @ $450/ea. = $15,300 <br />Total Wardrobe Services = $36,300 <br />Total Supportive Services = $147,300 <br />Participant Incentives <br />Payments to participants achieving program outcomes. $500 maximum in payments to each <br />participant. <br />Completion of full cycle of workforce/life skills training workshops: 40 participants @ $125/ea. _ <br />$5,000 <br />Attainment of skills training certificate or credential: 25 participants @ $125/ea. = $3,125 <br />Attainment of employment: 40 participants @ $250/ea. = $10,000 <br />Total Participant Incentives = $18,125 <br />TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES = $662,919 ($612,919 program cost + $50,000 matching funds <br />from City of Santa Ana WORK Center) <br />GRAND TOTAL = $792,000 ($742,000 program cost + $50,000 matching funds) <br />Program staff will document and track requests, approvals, and payments of Participant Incentives <br />payments to verify eligibility, ensure that individual participants are not paid above the $500 <br />maximum, and that the total line item budget is not exceeded. Incentives payments will be provided to <br />participants in the form of Visa/MasterCard gift cards or company checks. No cash will be distributed <br />to participants. <br />All Participant Supportive Services payments for transportation and other incidental needs addressing <br />barriers to employment and Participant Skills Development (Training) tuition and training -related <br />expenses will also be carefully controlled by the program staff to maintain fiscal integrity and <br />adherence to the program budget. Gasoline and public transportation assistance will be provided to <br />clients in the form of gas company debit cards or bus line pass cards that will be distributed to <br />participants once eligibility and need is endorsed by a Career Navigator. The need and value of other <br />Supportive Services and Skills Development (Training) expenses will be documented through bills, <br />invoices, receipts, quotes, or other documents supporting each request that are secured by either the <br />program staff or participants and confirmed with the appropriate vendor prior to payment. <br />All payment requests will be originated by the program's Career Navigators, reviewed and confirmed <br />by the Client Services Administrator, and approved by the Director of Client Services before <br />disbursements are issued. Payments will be issued as Working Wardrobes company checks made <br />payable to and delivered directly to service providers, with no payments provided directly to <br />participants. <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />