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EXHIBIT B <br />!a' Mel.asN�iCernpr<Wlcx�r 9�t .�irit90 tD ltl <br />iaFalbo Tnanipuiaton AltMtT Ini <br />Metro <br />C iLIFOPNIA UNIFIED CERTIFICATION PROGRAM <br />April 2. 2019 CUCPS 41694 <br />]detro He *046 <br />10. ARLLNNA BARRIOS <br />BARRIOS & ASSOCIATES, LLC DBA C0ILVIU-'ICA1IONS LAB <br />701 B- Chapman Aveu® <br />ORANGE. CA 92M <br />Subject: Disadvantaged Business Enuemriw Certificarion <br />DearMS. ARIA-ZLA BARRIOS: <br />We are pleased to advise you that after careful review of your application and supporting dper®entation, the Los Angeles County Mettap bran <br />Transpartmon Aud mity (Metm) has detemtined that your firm meets the eligibility standards to be certified as a Disadvantaged Busnness <br />Enterprise (DBE) as required under the US. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) Regulation 49 CFR Part 26, m amended. This <br />certification will be recognized by all of the U.S- DOT recipient in Calif rnia- Your firm will be listed in the California UTdfied Certification <br />Program (CUCP) database of cer nfned DBEs under the following specific area(s) of expertise that ym have identified on the NAILS codes form of <br />the application package <br />- <br />NAICS 5414310: GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES <br />NAICS R1613: NIAREEIING CONSULTLNG SERVICES <br />NAICS 541820: PUBLIC RELATIONS AGENCIES <br />NAICS 541BM: DIR= MAI1..ADVEKr=4G <br />NABS 541910: MARRSIR4G RESEARCH AND PUBLIC OPINION POUING <br />Your DBE certification applies only for the abase code(s). Ym may review your firms information in the CUCP DBE database which can be <br />accessed at the CUCP webske at wwwicaliforrdauco.aae- Any additions and revisionsmust be submitted to Metro for review and approval. <br />In order to entire you continuing DBE status, you are required to subrmt an annual update along with supporting documentation. If no changes <br />are rated, then van DBE status remains current. If there are chungess, Metro will review to determine contnamed DBE eligibility. Please note, your <br />DE£ scams remains in effect unless Metro notifies ym otherwise - <br />Also, should any changes occur that could affect you certification sta= prior to receipt of the manual update, such as changes in your Rims name, <br />businesslmailing address, ownersl4, management or control, ur failure to meet the applicable business size standards or personal net worth <br />standud_ please ratify Meru immediately. Failure to submit forms andlpr change of mfomiman will be deemed a failure to cooperate under <br />Section 26.109 of the Regulations_ <br />Metro reserves the tight m withdraw this certification if at anv time it is dews ,armed dut it was kiwi ugly obtained by false, misleading, or <br />inccarecr information. Yea DBE certification is subject m review at any time. The firm thereby consents to the esambiatim of its books, remuds <br />and documents by Mere. <br />Cnngratulawns, and thank you for your interest in the DBE program Should you have amp questions, please contact us at (213) 9—"-26DD. For <br />information m Mira contracting oppor unmes. Please visit our website. at <br />Sincerely, <br />Shirley Wong <br />Principal Ceroficadoru Officer <br />Diversity & Economic Opportunity Department <br />