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EXHIBIT 1 <br /> <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br />Upgrade Parks & Snack Bars As funding becomes available, staff proposes the highest priority park <br />projects. The existing budget includes funding for lighting, restrooms, <br />splash pads, field, and playground improvements at various parks. <br /> <br />The cost of each snack bar upgrade is approximately $95,000, <br />including new paint and epoxy flooring, stainless steel sink, hot water <br />heater, electrical and plumbing upgrades, and door/window <br />replacement. Staff maintains a priority list for Renovation that <br />includes Jerome, Memorial, Thornton, Riverview, Cabrillo, Adams and <br />Rosita, which can be addressed as funding becomes available. <br />Santa Anita Mural <br />Restoration <br />This is a mural on a private building, and addressing it could create an <br />expectation that all private-building murals be maintained by the City. <br />Staff has been in contact with interested parties and they are aware of <br />the options available to them. <br />Market at Santa Ana Bus <br />Terminal <br />This project was included in the Revive Spending Plan. Staff has found <br />that the location is not feasible for the envisioned farmers market. A <br />different location could be considered if a farmers market is a high <br />priority for City Council. A recurring budget would be necessary for <br />special-event staffing to manage the vendors and the location. <br />Enhance Recruitment and <br />Fill Vacancies <br />A separate staff report on the March 19 agenda proposes to add a <br />Human Resources Analyst to increase recruiting efforts. <br />Address Homelessness and <br />Safety Issues <br /> <br />Increase Grant Writing Staff <br />The Interim City Manager has directed a reallocation of vacant <br />positions to provide for a Grant Analyst, 2 additional Code <br />Enforcement Officers, a Senior Organization Development & Training <br />Analyst and a Deputy City Manager. These staffing reallocations will <br />be included in the proposed FY24-25 budget. <br />In-House Prosecution <br />Division <br />To improve the prosecution services within Santa Ana, the City <br />Attorney’s Office offers the concept of an in-house Prosecution <br />Division. Tasks would include the following. <br />• Prosecute misdemeanor offenses occurring in the City of Santa <br />Ana arising out of violations of City law and certain state laws <br />as authorized by the Orange County District Attorney. <br />• Draft and file criminal complaints in Superior court. <br />• Conduct office hearings, pretrial hearings, and court and jury <br />trials. <br />• Represent the People of the State in motions, writs and <br />appeals. <br />• Provide advice to and train Santa Ana law enforcement. <br /> <br />This Division would include a Nuisance Abatement Program to form a <br />multi-agency task force designed to identify and find solutions to <br />neighborhood crime problems. The task force would address problem <br />property locations within Santa Ana in a comprehensive manner. <br />Members of the task force would include representatives from the City <br />Prosecutor’s office, Neighborhood Associations, Santa Ana Police <br />Department, Code Compliance, and the Housing Department. The <br />mission would include resolving long-standing problems at particular