Laserfiche WebLink
September <br />2024 <br />October <br />2024 <br />• Host Sth workshop <br />• Get sign-ups for future events. <br />• Promote gallery exhibitions and <br />introduce volunteer <br />opportunities. <br />• Host gth workshop. <br />• Get sign-ups for future events. <br />• Solidify list of volunteers for the <br />gallery exhibition. <br />• Facilitated by group discussion, <br />participants will learn what it <br />means to create safe spaces, <br />• Individuals will leave with <br />physical flyers promoting future <br />events, <br />• Participants will be encouraged <br />to fill out a pre and post survey <br />about the class, which will then <br />be imported into a spreadsheet. <br />• Participants will leave with the <br />knowledge of the labor markets <br />in Santa Ana, and how to pursue <br />a career in the arts, <br />• Participants will create a piece of <br />work that showcases an aspect <br />of culture in Santa Ana that they <br />cherish. <br />• Participants will leave with a <br />now piece of art to add to their <br />portfolios. <br />• Individuals will leave with <br />physical flyers promoting future <br />events. <br />• Participants will be encouraged <br />to fill out a pre and post survey <br />about the class, which will then <br />be imported into a spreadsheet. <br />• Participants will create a literal <br />or metaphorical mask that <br />represents a part of themselves <br />that they hide from others, <br />• Participants will leave with a <br />piece of work to add to their <br />portfolio. <br />• Through group discussion, <br />participants will discuss the <br />different stigmas that encourage <br />"masking" behaviors. <br />• Google dative folder will be <br />created to share with gallery <br />exhibition volunteers. <br />