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VI. OPERATIONAL LOCATION <br />Appropriate space will be leased to house task force participants and <br />equipment. The lease will be paid from the task force fund. The task force <br />office will be centrally located within Orange County. Location will be selected <br />by the task force coordinator in conjunction with County of Orange County <br />Executive Office, and approved by the Executive Committee. <br />VII. EQUIPMENT <br />The task force coordinator will be responsible for coordinating the use of and <br />tracking the equipment assigned to the task force and will utilize approved <br />county procedures for the accounting of, and safeguarding capital assets and <br />controlled equipment. <br />A. Vehicles <br />If the task force is unable to provide a vehicle to the member through <br />task force resources, participating agencies agree to provide this <br />equipment. <br />In the event the task force purchases, rents, or leases vehicles for use by task <br />force members; those vehicles will be placed under the County of Orange's <br />self -insured liability policy. However, any losses, including traffic collisions, <br />thefts, etc., that occur while the vehicle is under the control of a task force <br />member, shall fall under the liability of the member's home agency, and that <br />home agency shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other members, <br />including the County, as detailed in section V of this Memorandum of <br />Agreement. <br />Maintenance of vehicles provided by the task force will be paid for by the task <br />force fund. Each member of the task force will be issued a gasoline card, <br />which shall be used to purchase gasoline and two car washes per month for <br />their assigned OCATT vehicle. Members shall submit the receipts monthly to <br />the coordinator who will review, approve and forward them to the District <br />Attorney Fiscal Services for payment processing. <br />B. Communications Equipment <br />Hand held mini -radios and cellular telephones will be acquired in cooperation <br />with the County of Orange County Executive Office and paid for by the task <br />force fund. The coordinator, each supervisor, and each detective/investigator <br />Page 9 of 12 <br />