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Ortiz, Michael eMOrtiz cz Santa-anaevrg> Mon, Apr 15, <br />9:32 PM (17 <br />hours ago) <br />to me, % <br />Good evening Pedro, Tommy, Leonel, Karen, Jorge, & Johnny, <br />I hope this email finds you well. I want to first thank you for taking the time to meet with <br />your Public Works Agency (PWA) Park Services team regarding any concerns and <br />maintenance challenges that exist throughout our park system. <br />We look forward to this ongoing dialogue that will assist us to enhance the league's <br />experience while using our parks and sports fields. In general, I categorize these <br />concerns into two groups, those maintenance related, which our team can address and <br />other items that typically fall under the purview of PRCSA which we can hopefully help <br />clarify below. <br />i Soccer 7v7 or 5v5 — PWA Park Services has no objection to the use of the fields for this <br />purpose. This should continue to be coordinated with PRCSA and their reservations team. <br />+ Setting up additional goals at the DYSC — PWA Park Services has no objection to allowing <br />temporary goalposts during the reservation. Please continue to coordinate with PRCSA and their <br />reservations team. If they need our input on specifications, feel free to share those with them <br />and they can follow up with our team for spec approval. <br />• Food and drinks at DYSC — While they are not allowed on the artificial field, PWA Park <br />Services has no abjection to allowing them throughout and inside the complex. Based on your <br />feedback will discuss this further with PRSCA to find a suitable solution. <br />• Capacity/Participants inside the DYSC -- We can reach out to OCFA to determine if they have <br />any capacity requirements. If not, capacity will be determined by PRCSA's reservation team. <br />i Hours of Operation — The park hours are from 6am - 10pm, unless there's a reservation, in <br />which case it can be extended. This has to be coordinated through the PRCSA reservations team. <br />Moving forward, I recommend using the MySantaAna app for any maintenance related <br />issues. However if something is more urgent, you can reach out directly to Jorge <br />Acevedo, Park Services Superintendent at (714) 719-5199. Another good contact <br />number to have is our 24-hour park security number, 714-454-1687. <br />Once again, thank you for your time and commitment to our City, I look forward to our <br />partnership and continuing to work together to keep our parks activated. Our next <br />meeting with be on April 251h. In the meantime, my contact info is below in case <br />anything should arise. <br />Best regards, <br />Mike Ortiz, P.E. <br />Deputy Public Works Director <br />Parks, Fleet, & Facilities Division <br />20 Civic Center Plaza i Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />a: 714-647-5624 I C: 714-615-0892 1 <br />