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Federal or state desk or field reviews <br />CLA has been subject to several federal and state desk reviews by state oversight agencies during the past three <br />years, and we have resolved all findings. In addition, our government audits are subject to review by each <br />agency's Office of Inspector General, as well as the U.S. Government Accountability Office, and we have also <br />resolved all findings identified in those reviews. <br />Disciplinary and legal action <br />From time to time, the firm is a defendant in lawsuits involving alleged professional malpractice. In all cases, the <br />firm believes that it has a strong position and intends to defend itself vigorously. Should the ultimate outcome <br />be unfavorable, however, net of the deductible provisions of the firm's malpractice insurance, all cases are <br />expected to be fully covered by insurance and will not have a material impact on the firm or its ability to <br />perform these services. <br />Moreover, in those cases where claims have been resolved by settlement (the vast majority of our cases), the <br />firm is typically subject to confidentiality agreements that prohibit the disclosure of information regarding those <br />matters. Disclosure by the firm of any details about those matters could invalidate the settlement agreements. <br />The firm and professionals within the firm presently do not have any regulatory or ethics inquiries outside the <br />normal course of our practice. <br />Authorized to contractually bind the firm <br />Kassie Radermacher, as a principal of CLA, is authorized to sign, bind, and commit the firm to the obligations <br />contained in this proposal and the City's RFP. This proposal is valid for a period of 180 days. <br />E. Proposed Work Plan <br />Scope of work to be performed <br />Please see section B. Services Provided, scope of work to be performed section. <br />Workpaper retention <br />Workpapers are maintained for at least seven years and will be available for examination by authorized <br />representatives of the City, internal audit staff, and representatives of regulatory personnel, subject to <br />professional ethics requirements. <br />Additional services <br />In addition to the services outlined in the Proposed Scope of Services for this proposal, CLA collectively offers a <br />wide breadth of highly customized services and capabilities to meet our clients' wants and needs, including a <br />sampling of the following: <br />• Forensic audits <br />• Internal audit, risk assessments, and evaluations <br />• Implementation assistance for complex accounting standards <br />• ACA Reporting <br />• Operational and financial systems consulting <br />• Operations and performance improvement <br />• Self -insured medical and PBM claim audits <br />City of Santa Ana RFP No. 24-009 Page 28 of 63 <br />