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MILLS ACT AGREEMENT <br />925 North Lowell Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92703 <br />-3- <br />and other openings, textures, details, mass, roof line, porch and other aspects of the appearance <br />of the exterior to the satisfaction of the City. <br />b. All changes to the Historic Property shall comply with applicable City plans and <br />regulations, and conform to the rules and regulations of the Office of Historic Preservation of the <br />State Department of Parks and Recreation, namely the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards <br />and Guidelines for Historic Preservation Projects. These guidelines are attached hereto, marked <br />as Exhibit C, and incorporated herein by this reference. Owner shall continually maintain the <br />Historic Property in the same or better condition. <br />c. A view corridor enabling the general public to see the Historic Property from the <br />public right-of-way shall be maintained, and Owner shall not be permitted to block the view <br />corridor to the property with any new structure, such as walls, fences or shrubbery, so as to <br />prevent the viewing of the historic landmark by the public. <br />d. The following are prohibited: demolition of the Historic Property or destruction of <br />character-defining features of the building or site; removal of trees and other major vegetation <br />unless removal is approved by a rehabilitation plan approved by the Historic Resources <br />Commission; paving of yard surface; exterior alterations or additions unless approved by the <br />Historic Resources Commission and such alterations are in keeping with the Secretary of <br />Interior’s Standards; deteriorating, dilapidated or unrepaired structures such as fences, roofs, <br />doors, walls, and windows; storage of junk, trash, debris, discarded or unused objects such as <br />cars, appliances, or furniture; and other unsightly by decoration, structure or vegetation which is <br />unsightly by reason of its height, condition, or inappropriate location. <br />e. Owner shall allow reasonable periodic inspection by prior appointment, as needed <br />or at least every five (5) years after the initial inspection, of the interior and exterior of the <br />Historic Property by representatives of the City of Santa Ana, the County Assessor, the State <br />Department of Parks and Recreation, and the State Board of Equalization, to determine the <br />Owner’s compliance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement.As part of the periodic <br />inspection, Owner shall supply information in a format determined acceptable by the <br />representatives of the City of Santa Ana, the County Assessor, the State Department of Parks and <br />Recreation, and the State Board of Equalization information required to determine compliance <br />with the terms of this Agreement. <br />f. Owner shall implement the rehabilitation and restoration work items as discussed <br />in detail in Exhibit D,“Proposed Structure Improvements.”Repair in-kind all wood windows as <br />needed and replace wood rot that is beyond repair to match existing, front door replacement with <br />a compatible door design, and existing rough stucco to be removed and restored to a smooth <br />stucco with trowel pattern, shall be finalized within the first five years of the Mills Act <br />Agreement, with all other work items completed within the first ten years of the Mills Act <br />Agreement. Proof of status and completion, as requested from time to time by the City of Santa <br />Ana, will be required in order to satisfy and maintain the Mills Act Agreement. Staff approval is <br />required before items shall be amended or removed/replaced from the improvements list. <br />Historic Resources Commission 1-15 1/11/2024