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State of California ⎯⎯ The Resources Agency Primary # _____________________________________________ <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # ________________________________________________ <br />CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial _____________________________________________ <br />Page 5_ of 5_Resource Name: Woitke House <br />*Recorded by Andrea Dumovich Heywood *Date January 11, 2024⌧ Continuation  Update <br />DPR 523L <br />Additional Figures: <br />Figure 2. Original tripartite window that has two <br />casement windows with a centered fixed window and <br />upper multi-light transoms at all three window segments, <br />facing northeast. <br />Figure 3. Main entrance door that is composed of a <br />single wood frame door with obscure glass, including <br />metal hardware and decorative metal ornamentation <br />fixed to the door’s exterior, facing east. <br />Figure 4. Fixed wood window with upper multi-light <br />transoms, facing south. <br />Figure 5. Tripartite wood-frame multi-light side door with <br />a central door flanked by narrower doors, facing south. <br />Figure 6. The rear (east) façade’s wood door with a <br />single upper light and an adjacent fixed wood window, <br />facing west. <br />Figure 7. Detached garage with a flat roof with parapet. <br />Clay tile coping wraps around the garage’s parapet <br />roofline, with a clay tile roof awning), facing south. <br />Historic Resources Commission 1-27 1/11/2024