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Contracts / Agreements
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Last modified
2/11/2025 9:48:12 AM
Creation date
5/3/2024 11:34:32 AM
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Contract #
Parks, Recreation, & Community Services
Expiration Date
Insurance Exp Date
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sources; (b) is, through no fault of the Provider disclosed in a publicly available source; (c) is in <br />rightful possession of the Provider without an obligation of confidentiality; (d) is required to be <br />disclosed by operation of law; or (e) is independently developed by the Provider without reference <br />to information disclosed by the City. <br />8. COVID-19 ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND WAIVER <br />Provider acknowledges that Provider could be exposed to persons that may have COVID- <br />19 providing services pursuant to this Agreement. Provider understands that interacting with any <br />person currently comes with the inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and that COVID-19 is <br />highly contagious. Provider assumes the risks associated with providing services pursuant to this <br />Agreement, namely potential exposure to COVID-19. Provider acknowledges that while some <br />people have no symptoms or mild symptoms from COVID-19, some people have become seriously <br />ill requiring hospitalization and that some people have died from COVID-19. Provider <br />acknowledges that persons over the age of 65 and persons with underlying health conditions are <br />at greater risk of contracting COVID-19 and are potentially risking serious injury or death. <br />Provider is agreeing to provide classes pursuant to this Agreement and does so of Provider's own <br />free will. <br />Provider intends to be legally bound by this assumption of risk, release and waiver and to <br />bind Provider's heirs, personal representatives, next of kin and anyone who may make a claim on <br />Provider's behalf. Provider knowingly releases and waives any and all claims that Provider may <br />have or could have in the future and includes any claims resulting from potential exposure or actual <br />exposure to COVID-19, this includes claims for personal injury, transmittal of COVID-19 to <br />others, and/or wrongful death. Provider agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnify the City, <br />its public officials, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents from any and all claims for liability <br />or damages, including those for exposure to or diagnosis with COVID-19 as a result of providing <br />services pursuant to this Agreement. <br />9. CONFLICT OF INTEREST <br />Provider covenants that it presently has no interests and shall not have interests, direct or <br />indirect, which would conflict in any manner with performance of services specified under this <br />Agreement. <br />10. BACKGROUND CHECK <br />Provider shall ensure that all employees, subcontractors, and any volunteers are <br />fingerprinted and background checked prior to conducting any work pursuant to this Agreement. <br />Provider shall not assign any employee, agent, subcontractor, volunteer or the Provider personally <br />to provide services pursuant to this Agreement, if that employee, agent, subcontractor, volunteer, <br />or the Provider personally are required to register as a sex offender under California Penal Code <br />Section 290 et seq, have a conviction for any crime of moral turpitude, have a conviction for a <br />sexual based crime, have a conviction for a violent felony as defined in California Penal Code <br />Section 667.5(c), or has a conviction for a serious felony as defined in California Penal Code <br />Section 1192.7(c). Disqualifying convictions include but are not limited to, violations of California <br />Penal Code Sections 37, 128, 136.1 with Section 186.22, 187, 190-190.4 and 192(a), 205, 206, <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />
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