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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />E. CONTRACTOR’S EXPENSE <br />Pre-Contractual Expenses: The City is not liable for any costs incurred by Proposers prior to <br />entering into a formal contract. Costs of developing a response to this RFP, are entirely the <br />responsibility of the Proposer, and shall not be reimbursed in any manner by the City. Pre- <br />contractual expenses are not to be included in the cost proposal. Pre-contractual expenses <br />include, but are not limited to, preparation of the proposal, submission of the proposal and <br />additional information, attendance at pre-proposal conference, negotiating any matter related <br />to this RFP with City, and/or any other expenses incurred by the Proposer prior to the date <br />of award and execution, if any, of the contract. <br /> <br />Other Expenses: The Contractor will be responsible for all costs related to photo copying, <br />telephone communications, fax communications, and parking while on City sites during the <br />performance of work and services under this Contract. <br /> <br />F. CONTRACTOR’S PROJECT MANAGER/KEY PERSONNEL <br />Except as formally approved by the City, the key personnel identified in Contractor’s proposal <br />shall be the individuals who will actually complete the work. Changes in staffing must be <br />reported in writing and approved by the City. The City shall have the right to require the <br />removal and replacement of the Contractor’s Project Manager and key personnel under the <br />awarded contract. The City shall notify the Contractor in writing of such action. The City is <br />not required to provide any reason, rationale, or additional factual information if it elects to <br />request any specific key personnel be removed from performing services under the awarded <br />contract. The City shall review and approve the appointment of the replacement for the <br />Contractor’s personnel. Said approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. <br /> <br />Standards of Conduct: Contractor’s personnel shall be courteous and maintain good working <br />relationships with all stakeholders, state or outside agencies, other team members and staff <br />within the City. <br /> <br />G. COST PROPOSAL <br />The awarded Contractor agrees to provide the purchased services at the costs, rates, and <br />fees as set forth in their Fee Schedule in response to this RFP. No other costs, rates or fees <br />shall be payable to the awarded Subcontractor for implementation of their proposal. <br /> <br />H. DATA RETENTION <br />Contractor shall be responsible for retaining data, records, and documentation for the <br />preparation of required items. These materials shall be made available to and as requested <br />by City. <br /> <br />All materials, documents, data or information obtained from the City Data files or any City <br />medium furnished to Contractor in the performance of an awarded contract will at all times <br />remain the property of the City. Such data or information may not be used or copied for direct <br />or indirect use by Contractor after completion or termination of this Contract without the <br />express written consent of the City. All materials, documents, data or information, including <br />copies, must be returned to the City at the end of the contract. <br /> <br />All data, documents and other products used, developed, or produced during response <br />preparation of the RFP will become property of the City. All responses to the RFP shall <br />become property of the City. Proposer information identified as proprietary shall be <br />maintained confidential, to the extent allowed under the California Public Records Act. <br /> <br />RFP No. 23-099A Digital Marquees for Multiple Locations Page 11 of 61