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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />S. NON-PAYMENTS <br />Note that payments will NOT be made for any unsatisfactory work until corrected. In the event <br />of nonpayment of undisputed sums by the City, Contractor shall give the City thirty (30) <br />working days to cure the alleged breach. <br /> <br />T. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS <br />The City has permanent ownership of all directly connected and derivative materials produced <br />under this contract by the Contractor. All documents, reports and other incidental or derivative <br />work or materials furnished hereunder shall become and remains the sole property of the City <br />and may be used by the City as it may require without additional cost to the City. Contractor <br />shall provide the City copies of documents upon its request at any time. None of the documents, <br />reports and other incidental or derivative work or furnished materials shall be used by the <br />Contractor without the express written consent of the City. <br />U. PARKING <br />The City will not provide free parking and/or reimbursement for the cost of parking while <br />providing services and conducting business with the City. <br />V. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS <br />Contractor staff shall be courteous to the public and City staff utilizing facilities where <br />Contractor is performing work, but shall be responsive only to the requests of the City’s <br />Project Manager or designee. Contractor staff shall direct all inquiries to Project Manager or <br />designee. <br />Contractor acknowledges that City locations consist of public-use facilities and recognizes <br />the obligation to ensure Contractor personnel and agents maintain the highest level of <br />professional standards in attire, decorum, and interaction with the public and City personnel. <br />W. PROJECT MANAGER <br />The selected Proposer will assume responsibility for all services in its proposal. The selected <br />Proposer shall identify a sole point of contact, Project Manager, with the greatest <br />knowledge in regard to the required service operations and contractual matters, including <br />payment of any and all charges resulting from the Agreement. <br /> <br />X. PROPOSAL VALIDITY <br />Services, pricing, and warranties indicated in a Proposer’s Proposal must be valid for a period <br />of 180 days at minimum after the submission of the Proposal. <br />Y. PUBLIC AGENCIES <br />Other public agencies, as defined by California Government Code Section 6500, may choose <br />to use the terms of this Contract, subject to Contractor’s acceptance. The City is not liable or <br />responsible for any obligations related to a subsequent contract between Contractor and <br />another public agency. <br /> <br />Z. PUBLIC RECORDS <br /> Proposals will become public record after the award of a contract unless the proposal or <br />specific parts of the proposal can be shown to be exempt by law. Each Proposer may clearly <br />label all or part of a proposal as "CONFIDENTIAL" provided that the Proposer thereby agrees <br />to indemnify and defend the City for honoring such a designation. The failure to so label any <br />information that is released by the City shall constitute a complete waiver of any and all claims <br />for damages caused by any release of the information. Proposer information identified as <br />RFP No. 23-099A Digital Marquees for Multiple Locations Page 14 of 61