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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />e. Optional: Content services such as creation of display templates and graphic design <br />upon request. <br /> <br /> <br />B. SAFETY PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: Work Site Safety shall be as defined by the Standard <br />Specifications and these special provisions: <br />Contractor shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all work performed under the contract is <br />performed in strict compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local occupational safety <br />regulations. Consultant/Contractor shall provide at its expense all safeguards, safety devices and <br />protective equipment, and shall take any and all actions appropriate to providing a safe Project <br />site. <br /> <br />The following is required in addition to the requirements of the Standard Specification: <br /> <br />1. Contractor shall train all employees, or subcontractor personnel in the <br />work practices necessary to safely perform their job. <br />2. Contractor shall identify all known potential hazards related to the work performed and <br />train all employees and subcontractor personnel on how to handle the potential hazards. <br />3. Contractor, their employees and subcontractors shall follow all safety rules and safe work <br />practices. <br />4. Contractor will immediately notify the City of any significant and/or unusual hazards found <br />during the course of work. <br />5. Contractor shall submit copies of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all hazardous materials to <br />be utilized on site in the performance of work. <br />6. Contractor is solely responsible for the legal disposal of hazardous waste generated in the <br />performance of their work. <br />Safety Indemnification: To the extent allowed by law, the Contractor agrees to defend, <br />indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents from and against <br />any and all investigations, complaints, citations, liability, expense (including defense costs <br />and legal fees), claims and/or causes of action for damages of any nature whatsoever, <br />including but not limited to injury or death to employees of the Contractor, its <br />subcontractors or City, attributable to any alleged act or omission of the Contractor or its <br />subcontractors which is in violation of any Cal OSHA regulation. The obligation to defend, <br />indemnify and hold harmless includes all investigations and proceedings associated with <br />purported violations of Section 336.10 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations <br />pertaining to multi-employer work sites. The City may deduct from any payment otherwise <br />due the Contractor any costs incurred or anticipated to be incurred by the Agency, <br />including legal fees and staff costs, associated with any investigation or enforcement <br />proceedings brought by Cal OSHA arising out of the assigned work. <br /> <br />C. OTHER SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions, as directed <br />by the City, or in the absence of such direction, in accordance with sound industrial practices, to <br />safeguard and protect City property and adjacent property. Damages to properties caused by <br />Contractor’s negligence shall be repaired at no cost (both labor and material) to the City. <br />Contractor is responsible for advising and ensuring compliance by Contractor’s employees with <br />all applicable environmental and hazardous materials handling laws and regulations. <br /> <br />RFP No. 23-099A Digital Marquees for Multiple Locations Page 18 of 61