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WHEREAS, MIG and City staff have conducted extensive community outreach, <br />stakeholder interviews, and reviews of existing zoning -related codes and policies in <br />Santa Ana. These early efforts have indicated that the irreconcilable land use conflicts <br />and land use inconsistencies in the TZC area are among the top, most pressing topics <br />that must be addressed as part of the comprehensive Zoning Code Update process in <br />order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the most vulnerable communities that <br />face the impacts of the land use conflicts within the TZC area; and <br />WHEREAS, the policies and implementation actions in the General Plan also <br />require review, study, and possible revision in order to respond to recent concerns <br />relating to the impacts of these industrial business uses in the TZC; and <br />WHEREAS, given these concerns, the City Council hereby directs that a study <br />be undertaken of the current provisions of the TZC to address industrial business uses <br />and determine whether such uses should be permitted in the zoning district, and if not, <br />proceed with an ordinance amendment to preclude such uses from the district; and <br />WHEREAS, based on the foregoing, the City Council finds that continuing to <br />issue permits, business licenses, or other applicable entitlements to individuals wishing <br />to use their property located in the TZC for the purposes of industrial business use, prior <br />to the City's completion of its study of the potential impact of such uses, would pose a <br />current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, and welfare, and that a <br />temporary moratorium on the issuance of such permits, licenses, and entitlements in the <br />TZC area is thus necessary; and <br />WHEREAS, if an industrial business use is permitted in the TZC without further <br />review and potential regulation, it will pose a serious threat to the public interest, health, <br />safety and welfare for the following reasons: <br />1) Adversely impacts surrounding businesses and neighborhoods; <br />2) Adversely impacts sensitive uses such as residences, schools, parks, <br />and places where children congregate; <br />3) Conflicts with the goals and policies of the City's General Plan; <br />4) Long-term incompatibility and inconsistency with surrounding uses; and <br />5) Risks to the public health, safety and welfare of the City; and <br />WHEREAS, prevention of detrimental impacts to residents, the public interest, <br />health, safety and welfare requires the immediate enactment of this urgency ordinance. <br />The absence of this urgency ordinance will create a serious threat to the orderly and <br />effective implementation of any code amendments, general plan amendments or <br />specific plan amendments which may be adopted by the City; industrial business uses <br />may be in conflict with or frustrate the contemplated updates and revisions to the Code. <br />Moreover, permitting such uses during said studies and implementation would create <br />Ordinance No. NS - 3063 <br />Page 5 of 8