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City of Santa Ana <br />General Plan EJ Actions <br />GENERAL <br />PLAN <br />ELEMENT <br />REF # EJ <br /> policy IMPLEMENTATION ACTION <br />RESPONSIBLE <br />DEPT/ <br />AGENCY <br />TIME <br />FRAME <br />Community 1.7 Yes <br />Rental property outreach. Augment the Proactive Rental Enforcement Team and Residential <br />Response Team with additional outreach geared toward absentee owners of rental properties. Create <br />and periodically distribute outreach materials in order to educate absentee owners about legal <br />obligations to maintain and upkeep rental properties. Distribute information to tenants about their <br />rights and protection, so they are not penalized for reporting or living in a dwelling unit that does not <br />meet health and safety standards. Translate outreach efforts into Spanish, Vietnamese, and other <br />appropriate languages. Prioritize such outreach for properties within environmental justice area <br />boundaries. <br />PBA 2022 & <br />Ongoing <br />Community 1.8 Yes <br />Neighborhood rehabilitation. Continue to seek state and federal funding for neighborhood <br />rehabilitation projects and collaborate with community-based organizations to identify housing issues <br />and improvements needed, especially for housing within environmental justice area boundaries.CDA Ongoing <br />Community 2.1 Yes <br />Facilities to support lifelong learning. For areas within park deficient and environmental justice areas <br />, conduct, maintain, and publicize an inventory of public, nongovernmental, and private facilities that <br />can be used by organizations to support early childhood education, after school activities, libraries <br />and learning centers, and other meetings and educational opportunities. <br />CMO 2024 <br />Community 2.2 Yes <br />Public realm. Identify areas in need of a public realm plan to provide attractive, comfortable, and safe <br />walking corridors to promote accessibility to community programs or activity centers, in conjunction <br />with the City's Active Transportation Plan. <br />PWA/PBA Ongoing <br />Community 3.1 Yes <br />Community health care facilities. Evaluate options to support existing and potential community <br />health care facilities in environmental justice focus areas through a variety of mechanisms such as <br />reduced permit fees, reduced impact fees, and tax incentives. <br />PBA/CMO 2023 <br />Community 3.2 Yes <br />Pedestrian access to health facilities. Ensure that new or redeveloped health care facilities include <br />pedestrian-friendly site amenities. In areas where mobile clinics are stationed, ensure the location is <br />safe and accessible for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. <br />PBA Ongoing <br />Community 3.3 Yes <br />Health metrics. Engage with the Orange County Health Care Agency and other stakeholders to <br />monitor key health indicators to measure the success of the outcome of General Plan policies and the <br />implementation plan, including reduction in incidence in asthma and low birth weight of infants. <br />PBA/CMO 2022 <br />Page 2 of 11