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Receive and File Bowers Museum Report <br />June 4, 2024 <br />Page 4 <br />4 <br />3 <br />4 <br />4 <br />The Bowers Museum has an approximate value of $70 million dollars in real estate <br />assets. Upon termination of the operating agreement with the Corporation, the interest <br />of the Corporation including all real estate, personal property, and donated or loaned to <br />the Corporation for museum purposes shall be turned over and become the property of <br />the City. <br />Bowers Museum employs 66 staff, 26% of which are Santa Ana residents, including the <br />current Corporation President. Local artists are also contracted by the Corporation to <br />provide arts and education at the Museum for their annual programing. The artist range <br />to novice to experienced professionals, thus allowing opportunities for showcasing of art <br />with diverse artist backgrounds and experience. <br />Bowers Museum provides free year-round programing including family friendly events <br />such as Day of the Dead, Celebration of India, Lunar New Year, and Mehregan Persian <br />Festival (Exhibit 4). City of Santa Ana residents receive free general admission on <br />Sundays year-round. Additionally, beginning March of 2024, Bowers Museum has <br />extended free admission every day through September 8th for Santa Ana residents. <br />(Exhibit 5). <br />Sample of 2023 Bowers Museum Activities: <br />•Year round, General Admission is free for Santa Ana residents every Sunday <br />and in 2023 over 1,600 residents visited through this offering. <br />•Free family festivals hosted more than 27,500 residents for free live <br />performances, free art projects, free face painting, and free treats to celebrate a <br />new culture each month of 2023, including our annual Dia de Los Muertos <br />Festival and Cinco de Mayo. <br />•Free school tours, bus reimbursements, and art lessons including gallery tours <br />led by highly trained docents and art projects led by teaching artists for over <br />1,752 students. This also includes a special partnership with at-risk youth from <br />Project Kinship, to whom the museum offers free tours and free use of its space <br />for graduations and fundraisers. <br />•Free senior enrichment workshops for 1,170 Seniors from Santa Ana through the <br />Anne’s Treasures program, held twice every month. Program includes free <br />breakfast, teaching artist led workshops with giveaways that participants take <br />home (i.e.: tote bags, scarfs, days of the dead skulls painting, etc.) and quarterly <br />free tours of our featured exhibitions. <br />•Participated in nine offsite City of Santa Ana free community events, providing <br />free art projects and giveaways for hundreds of Santa Ana participants. <br />  <br />  <br />City Council 8 – 4 6/4/2024