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permission of the presiding officer. At the end of each meeting, the presiding officer <br />shall recognize each Councilmember who may speak up to three (3) minutes on matters <br />of public or community interest. <br />(b) The agenda for all regular meetings of the City Council shall provide <br />members of the public the opportunity to address the City Council on agendized matters <br />and non-agendized matters as required by the Brown Act. All requests to speak shall be <br />submitted in writing to the City Clerk. No such requests shall be accepted after the <br />public comment session begins without permission of the presiding officer. The <br />agendas for adjourned, special, and emergency meetings of the City Council shall <br />provide for public comment as provided in the Brown Act. <br />(c) Subject to (d) below, members of the public shall be given a total of three <br />(3) minutes to: (i) address the City Council on any and all matters contained on the City <br />Council agenda as well as the agendas of any of the City's related entities, such as the <br />Successor Agency (formerly the Community Redevelopment Agency) or the Housing <br />Authority, if those entities have meetings scheduled at the same time, and/or (ii) <br />address any matters of public interest provided that they are within the jurisdiction or <br />official business of the City of Santa Ana. The presiding officer shall have the discretion <br />to reduce and also to increase the time allotted to speakers. The City Council may, by <br />majority vote, address/revise the reduced or increased time allotted to speakers. <br />(d) For general public hearings, members of the public shall be given three (3) <br />minutes to address the City Council for each duly noticed hearing, unless continued <br />prior to taking testimony. <br />L For public hearings related to land use, entitlements, or appeals, the <br />applicant/appellant and/or their representative(s) whose matter is the subject of <br />the public hearing shall be given ten (10) minutes for their initial presentation. <br />Members of the public shall be given three (3) minutes to address the City <br />Council on the subject of the public hearing. The applicant/appellant and or their <br />representative(s) shall be given reasonable time for rebuttal comments. <br />(e) Upon being recognized by the presiding officer, a speaker should step to <br />the designated speaker location, state their name and address for the record, identify <br />the matter by agenda designation (if applicable), and direct remarks to the City Council <br />as a body and not to any individual member thereof. A speaker shall not be denied an <br />opportunity to speak if they do not wish to state their name and address for the record. <br />No person other than members of the City Council and the person having the floor may <br />be permitted to enter into the discussion without permission of the presiding officer. <br />(f) It shall be within the sound discretion of the presiding officer to set a <br />maximum time for public comment. In setting any limit, the presiding officer shall take <br />into consideration the level of public interest in the matters in question, the length of the <br />meeting and the need to provide for an orderly and effective meeting. As a means of <br />limiting time while maximizing the public's opportunity to address the City Council, if a <br />