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RECOMMENDED ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENTS <br />6.3 Field Review of Top 20 Projects <br />On May 24th-25th, 2023, the project team conducted a field review <br />of Santa Ana streets, prioritizing the project list, to observe existing <br />conditions and user behavior of people walking, bicycling, and driving. <br />The team noted the immediate land uses, surrounding destinations, <br />and existing infrastructure. While the existing conditions analysis from <br />Chapter 2 helped proposed project locations based on collision den- <br />sity and infrastructure gaps, this exercise helped to identify elements <br />and patterns understood from observation. The field work helped to <br />finalize the prioritization process and solidify project ranking. <br />Some examples from the site visits include crosswalks shown in aerials <br />that had since been faded in some locations, bicyclists were seen rid- <br />ing on sidewalks even when bicycle facilities are present, and bicyclists <br />were spotted riding contra -flow, or against traffic, on both residential <br />streets and primary arterials. Additionally, several near -collisions were <br />witnessed, motorists were driving over the speed limit on wide roads, <br />motorists were running red lights, and there were numerous instances <br />of jaywalking, informing the team that pedestrian crossings are too far <br />apart. These are some behavioral occurrences that can not be identi- <br />fied from data alone and emphasize the significance of field work. The <br />general recommendation is to have protected pedestrian crossings in <br />commercial and mixed use areas at least every 500 feet, usually pro- <br />tected with a pedestrian signal or a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB.) <br />Some examples from this field work are pictured to help illustrate these <br />observations. <br />Bicyclist riding on the sidewalk Curb extensions on Main Street <br />A group waiting to cross 17th Street Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Downtown <br />Tustin Avenue is wide and undivided <br />s <br />IL <br />G <br />Existing traffic circle on 16th Street <br />SANTAANA VISION ZERO PLAN 95 <br />