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Engineering Cost Estimates <br />Grant -ready engineering cost estimates have been developed for each of the five (5) study <br />corridors (Attachment B). The cost estimates incorporate the most recently available Active <br />Transportation Program (ATP) cost estimate template to position the City for future ATP grant <br />pursuits. <br />Project Renderings <br />A conceptual project rendering has been prepared for each of the five (5) study corridors and <br />are included in Attachment C. <br />Funding Opportunities <br />The project concepts, cost estimates, and renderings can be used by the City to seek <br />implementation funding through various local, state, and federal grant programs listed below. <br />Table 1 provides additional program details, including anticipated submittal period, eligible <br />phases and costs, match requirements, and key selection criteria. <br />Local Funding Opportunities <br />• Complete Streets Program (CSP) — Funds local agency projects in Orange County that <br />contribute to the creation of a complete transportation network for all modes, improve <br />transportation access, improve safety and health, and incorporate community input. <br />State Funding Opportunities <br />• Active Transportation Program (ATP) — Funds projects that increase use of active modes <br />of transportation, such as walking and bicycling. <br />• Clean California Local Grant Program (CCLGP) — Funds local communities to beautify and <br />improve local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, and transit centers. <br />• Local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) — Fund projects that achieve a <br />significant reduction in fatalities and serious injuries on public roads. <br />• Local Partnership Program (LPP) — Funds projects that align with the state's climate and <br />equity goals. <br />• Reconnecting Communities: Highways to Boulevards (RC:H2B) — Funds the conversion of <br />key underutilized highways into multi -modal corridors to reconnect communities <br />divided by transportation infrastructure. <br />• Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP) — Funds projects that achieve a <br />balanced set of transportation, environmental, and community access improvements to <br />Appendix D reduce congestion throughout the state. <br />