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5.1 Descriptions of Potential Street <br />Improvements <br />This chapter includes project recommendations meant to slow down <br />traffic and reduce the potential of fatal and serious injury collisions. <br />These vision zero treatments are intended to improve conditions for <br />the more vulnerable road users, people walking, rolling, and bicycling. <br />These treatments naturally make the roadway safe for automobiles as <br />well. Slowing down traffic both increases the time for a driver to re- <br />act and reduces the potential damage severity of a collision. These <br />potential street improvements reduce collisions across all modes of <br />transportation and the ones that occur are less severe. The recom- <br />mendations are designed to help the City of Santa Ana allocate funds <br />as they become available and compete for grant funds as opportuni- <br />ties arise. The chapter begins with an overview of the different types of <br />built infrastructure that have been designed throughout California. This <br />"Vision Zero Toolkit" includes active transportation recommendations <br />for all modes of travel to reduce fatalities and serious injuries to zero. <br />Physical Measures <br />Bulb Out / Curb Extensions <br />Curb extensions extend the curb line outward into the travel way, re- <br />ducing the pedestrian crossing distance. Typically occurring at inter- <br />sections, they increase pedestrian visibility, reduce the distance a pe- <br />destrian must cross, and reduce vehicular speeds. Curb extensions <br />must be installed in locations where they will not interfere with bicycle <br />lanes or separated bikeways. If both treatments are needed, bicycle <br />lanes and separated bikeways can travel behind the curb extension, <br />with a slot in the curb extension known as a bike bypass. <br />Corner Radius Reduction or Truck Apron <br />Truck aprons allow large vehicles, such as: trucks, buses, and recre- <br />ational vehicles, to turn without striking people walking, rolling, or bicy- <br />cling, or fixed objects by reducing the corner radius using a 3-inch high <br />mountable area. They are located on the road surface, next to the side- <br />Bulb Out / Curb Extensions <br />Truck Apron, Source: Maricopa Association of Governments <br />Chicanes / Roadway Curve <br />80 <br />