PI-FW-002 (04/16)
<br />c. Improper Fees, Dues and Expenses
<br />"Bodily injury," "property damage" and "personal and advertising injury" based upon or
<br />arising out of, in whole or in part, improper fees, dues, and expenses incurred or charged
<br />by an insured.
<br />d. Communicable Disease
<br />(1) "Bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury' arising out of any
<br />"communicable disease," including but not limited to the following:
<br />(a) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS);
<br />(b) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV); or
<br />(c) Hepatitis.
<br />(2) This exclusion applies even if such damages arise or are alleged to arise as a result of
<br />the insureds' negligent hiring, placement, training, supervision, act, error or omission or
<br />alleged sexual and/or physical abuse.
<br />(3) For purposes of this exclusion, "communicable disease" means an infectious disease
<br />transmittable from person to person by direct contact with an affected person or that
<br />person's discharges or body fluids.
<br />e. Fungi or Bacteria
<br />(1) "Bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused directly or
<br />indirectly by the actual, alleged or threatened inhalation of, ingestion of, contact with,
<br />exposure to, existence of, or presence of any:
<br />(a) "Fungi," "spores," or bacteria; or
<br />(b) Substance, vapor or gas produced by or arising out of any "fungi," "spores" or
<br />bacteria.
<br />(2) Loss, costs or expenses arising out of the abating, testing for, monitoring, cleaning up,
<br />removing, containing, treating, detoxifying, neutralizing, remediating or disposing of, or in
<br />any way responding to, or assessing the effects of, "fungi," "spores" or bacteria, by any
<br />insured or by any other person or entity.
<br />(3) For the purposes of this exclusion, the following definitions are added:
<br />(a) "Fungi" means any type or form of fungus, including mold or mildew and any
<br />mycotoxins, "spores," scents or byproducts produced or released by "fungi."
<br />(b) "Spores" means reproductive bodies produced by or arising out of "fungi."
<br />This exclusion does not apply to any "fungi," "spores" or bacteria that are on, or are
<br />contained in, an edible good or edible product intended for human or animal
<br />consumption.
<br />PI-FW-002 (04/16)
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