City Council, Housing Authority, and PublicFinancing Authority Meeting Packet (revised5/30/2024)June 4, 2024CLOSED SESSION MEETING – 4:30 PMREGULAR OPEN MEETING – 5:30 PM (Immediately following the Closed Session Meeting)CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER22 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, CA 92701Valerie AmezcuaMayorThai Viet PhanMayor Pro Tem – Ward 1 Benjamin VazquezCouncilmember Ward 2Jessie LopezCouncilmember Ward 3 Phil BacerraCouncilmember Ward 4Johnathan Ryan HernandezCouncilmember Ward 5 David PenalozaCouncilmember Ward 6Mayor and Council telephone: 7146476900Agenda item inquiries: 7146476520Sonia R. CarvalhoCity Attorney Alvaro NuñezActing City Manager Jennifer L. HallCity ClerkIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this Meeting,contact Michael Ortiz, City ADA Program Coordinator, at (714) 6475624. Notification 48 hours prior to the Meeting will enablethe City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. The City Council agenda and supportingdocumentation can be found on the City’s website – VISION AND CODE OF ETHICSThe City of Santa Ana is committed to achieving a shared vision for the organization and itscommunity. The Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles (Values) are the result of a thoughtfuland inclusive process designed to set the City and organization on a course that meets thechallenges of today and tomorrow, as follows:Vision The dynamic center of Orange County which is acclaimed for our: Investment inyouth • Safe and healthy community • Neighborhood pride • Thriving economic climate •Enriched and diverse culture • Quality government servicesMission To deliver efficient public services in partnership with our community which ensurespublic safety, a prosperous economic environment, opportunities for our youth, and a highquality of life for residents.Guiding Principles Collaboration • Efficiency • Equity • Excellence • Fiscal Responsibility •Innovation • TransparencyCode of Ethics and Conduct At the Special Municipal Election held on February 5, 2008,voters approved an amendment to the City Charter which established the Code of Ethics andConduct for elected officials and members of appointed boards, commissions, andcommittees to assure public confidence. The following are the core values expressed: •Integrity • Honesty • Responsibility • Fairness • Accountability • Respect • EfficiencyMembers of the public may attend the City Council meeting inperson or join via Zoom. As acourtesy to the public, the City Council meeting will occur live via teleconference Zoomwebinar. You may view the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smart phone via YouTubeLiveStream at or on CTV3, available on Spectrumchannel 3.PUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public who wish to address the City Council onclosed session items, items on the regular agenda, or on matters which are not on theagenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council, may do so by one ofthe following ways:MAILING OPTION written communications – Public comments may be mailed to:Office of the City Clerk, 20 Civic Center Plaza M30, Santa Ana, CA 92701. All writtencommunications received via mail by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting will bedistributed to the City Council and imaged into the City’s document archive systemwhich is available for public review.SENDING EMAIL OPTION – Public comments may be sent via email to the CityClerk’s office at Please note the agenda item you arecommenting on in the subject line of the email. All emails received two (2) hours beforethe scheduled start of the meeting will be distributed to the City Council and imagedinto the City’s document archive system which is available for public review.LIVE VIRTUAL OPTION – As a courtesy, members of the public may provide livecomments during the meeting by Zoom or Conference Call. To join by Zoom click on ortype the following address into your web browser To join the Conference Call: Dial (669) 9009128 and enter MEETING ID: 315 965 149#. You will be prompted by the City Clerkwhen it is time for a: i) closed session item, ii) agenda/general comments, iii) publichearing item, iv) special agenda item, or v) for Authority item. You may request to speakby dialing *9 from your phone or you may virtually raise your hand from Zoom. After theClerk confirms the last three digits of the caller’s phone number or Zoom ID andunmutes them, the caller must press *6 or microphone icon to speak. Callers areencouraged, but not required, to identify themselves by name. Each caller will beprovided three (3) minutes to speak, unless due to the number of speakers wanting tospeak a decision is made to provide a different amount of time to speak.INPERSON OPTION Members of the public can provide inperson comments at thepodium in the Council Chamber. The Council Chamber will have seating available formembers of the public to attend the meeting inperson. Public comments are limited tothree (3) minutes per speaker, unless a different time is announced by the presidingchair. Speakers who wish to address the Council must do so by submitting a“Request to Speak” card by 4:30 p.m. for Closed Session items and by 5:45 p.m.for all other designated public comment periods as listed below. Cards will not beaccepted after the Public Comment Session begins without the permission of thepresiding chair.The following designated public comment periods are:1. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS – You can provide livecomments on closed session items by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described inthe LIVE or INPERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above. Speaker queue will openat 4:00 p.m. YOU MUST JOIN ZOOM OR THE CONFERENCE CALL and raise your handBY 4:30 p.m. Speakers who are not in the speaker queue with their hand raised by 4:30 p.m.will not be permitted to speak. 2. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS AND NONAGENDAITEMS (GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT) – You can provide comments by joining Zoom orthe Conference Call as described in the LIVE or INPERSON PUBLIC COMMENTSOPTION above. Speaker queue will open at 4:00 p.m. YOU MUST JOIN ZOOM OR THECONFERENCE CALL and raise your hand PRIOR TO 5:45 p.m. Speakers who are not inthe speaker queue with their hand raised by 5:45 p.m. will not be permitted to speak.3. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS – You can providecomments by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described in the LIVE or INPERSONPUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above. Speakers not in the queue by 5:45 p.m. will not bepermitted to speak. 4. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AUTHORITY ITEMS – You can provide comments byjoining Zoom or the Conference Call as described in the LIVE or INPERSON PUBLICCOMMENTS OPTION above. Speakers not in the queue by 5:45 p.m. will not be permittedto speak. TRANSLATION SERVICES Spanish interpreting services are provided at CityCouncil meetings. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation is provided through the useof headsets and consecutive interpretation (SpanishtoEnglish) in addition to thosewishing to address the City Council at the podium. La ciudad provee servicios de interpretación al español en las juntas del Consejo. La interpretación simultánea al español se ofrece por medio del uso de audífonos yla interpretación consecutiva (español a inglés) también está disponible paracualquiera que desee dirigirse al consejo municipal en el podio.About the AgendaTo download or view the attachments (staff report and other supporting documentation) foreach agenda item, you must select the agenda item to see the attachments to either open ina new link (the eyeball ) or download a pdf (the cloud symbol with the down arrow ).CLOSED SESSIONCALL TO ORDERATTENDANCE Council Members Phil BacerraJohnathan Ryan HernandezJessie LopezDavid PenalozaBenjamin VazquezMayor Pro Tem Thai Viet PhanMayorValerie AmezcuaActing City Manager Alvaro NuñezCity Attorney Sonia R. CarvalhoCity Clerk Jennifer L. HallROLL CALLADDITIONS\DELETIONS TO CLOSED SESSIONPUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public may address the City Council on ClosedSession items.RECESS – City Council will recess to Closed Session for the purpose of conducting regularCity business.CLOSED SESSION ITEMS – The Brown Act permits legislative bodies to discuss certainmatters without members of the public present. The City Council finds, based on advice fromthe City Attorney, that discussion in open session of the following matters will prejudice theposition of the City in existing and anticipated litigation:1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant toParagraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code:A. City of Santa Ana v. United California Bank Realty Corporation, et al., OrangeCounty Superior Court, Case No. 30202101184614CUEICXC2.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section54957.6(a):Agency Negotiator: Lori Schnaider, Executive Director of Human ResourcesEmployee Organization: Santa Ana Police Officers Association (POA)3.PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT pursuant to Government CodeSection 54957(b)(1):Title: City Manager4.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to California Government CodeSection 54957.6(a): Agency Designated Representative(s): Jacob Green, Greg DevereauxUnrepresented Employee: City Manager RECONVENE – City Council will reconvene to continue regular City business.CITY COUNCIL REGULAR OPEN SESSIONCALL TO ORDERATTENDANCE Council Members Phil BacerraJohnathan Ryan HernandezJessie LopezDavid PenalozaBenjamin VazquezMayor Pro Tem Thai Viet PhanMayorValerie AmezcuaActing City Manager Alvaro NuñezCity Attorney Sonia R. CarvalhoCity Clerk Jennifer L. HallROLL CALLPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor AmezcuaWORDS OF INSPIRATION Police ChaplainADDITIONS\DELETIONS TO THE AGENDACEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS1.Certificate of Recognition presented by Mayor Amezcua to Junior Achievement ofOrange County and Inland Empire in Celebration of their 70th Anniversary2.Certificate of Recognition presented by Councilmember Lopez to The UndergroundScholars Program for Outstanding Contributions to the Community3.Certificate of Recognition presented by Councilmember Vazquez to Nicolas Davis forOutstanding Contributions to the Heninger Park CommunityCLOSED SESSION REPORT – The City Attorney will report on any action(s) from ClosedSession.PUBLIC COMMENTS – Public comments will be held during the beginning of the meetingfor ALL comments on agenda and nonagenda items, with the exception of public hearings.Comments for public hearings will take place after the hearing is opened.CONSENT CALENDARRECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve staff recommendations on the followingConsent Calendar Items: 4 through 36 and waive reading of all resolutionsand ordinances. 4.Excused AbsencesDepartment(s): City Clerk’s OfficeRecommended Action: Excuse the absent members.5.Minutes from the Special Meeting of May 16, 2024 and the Regular Meeting of May 21,2024Department(s): City Clerk’s OfficeRecommended Action: Approve minutes.6.Appoint Mercy Benitez Nominated by Councilmember Lopez as the Ward 3Representative to the Youth Commission for a Partial Term Expiring December 10,2024Department(s): City Clerk’s OfficeRecommended Action: Appoint Mercy Benitez to the Youth Commission as the Ward3 representative and administer Oath of Office. (Pursuant to SAMC Sec. 2326(a),requires five affirmative votes)7.Conflict of Interest Code Biennial ReviewDepartment(s): City Clerk’s OfficeRecommended Action: Direct the City Manager and City Clerk to have the City'sConflict of Interest Code reviewed, file a statement of review with the City Council nolater than October 1, 2024, and revise the Conflict of Interest Code based upon suchreview, if necessary.8.Receive and File Bowers Museum ReportDepartment(s): City Manager’s OfficeRecommended Action: Receive and file.9.Appropriation Adjustment to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act ProgramsDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Approve an appropriation adjustment in the amount of$381,718.99 to align with program year allocations for Workforce Innovation andOpportunity Act Programs. (Requires five affirmative votes)10.Appropriation Adjustments to Recognize $4,495,000 in Housing Assistance PaymentFunds for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and $325,000 in Housing AssistancePayment Funds for the Mainstream Voucher Program (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action:1. Approve an appropriation adjustment recognizing housing assistance paymentfunds in the amount of $4,495,000 in revenue account (no.1361800252000) forthe Housing Choice Voucher Program and appropriating the same amount toexpenditure account (no.13618760various). (Requires five affirmative votes)2. Approve an appropriation adjustment recognizing housing assistance paymentsfunds in the amount of $325,000 in revenue account (no.1381800252000) for theMainstream Voucher Program and appropriating the same amount to expenditureaccount (no.1381876069158). (Requires five affirmative votes)11.Receive and File Quarterly Report of Contracts Authorized by the City Manager asPermitted by Charter Section 421 up to $50,000 for NonPublic Works and up to$500,000 for Public WorksDepartment(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: Receive and file Quarterly Report of Contracts entered intobetween January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024.12.Approve the Recognition of $71,970.35 of Revenue for Certain Unclaimed Moniesfrom Various City Funds (General Fund)Legal notice published in the OC Register on April 13, 2024 and April 20, 2024.Department(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: Approve the recognition of $71,970.35 of revenue in theGeneral Fund for certain unclaimed deposits, as allowed by state law.13.Fiscal Year 202324 Third Quarter Budget Report and Proposed AppropriationAdjustmentsDepartment(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action:1. Receive and file the Fiscal Year 202324 3rd Quarter budget update.2. Approved the recommended appropriation adjustments. (Requires five affirmativevotes)14.Aggregate Blanket Order Contracts to Curley Wholesale Electric, Inc., Turtle Ala, LLC,and Wesco Supply Corporation for Citywide Electrical Equipment and Supplies(Specification No. 24039) (General Fund and NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: Award aggregate blanket order contracts to vendors listedbelow for citywide electrical equipment and supplies on an asneeded basis, in anestimated annual aggregate amount of $285,000, for a total amount not to exceed$1,425,000 during the entire term of the contracts, for an initial twoyear term expiringJune 30, 2026, with provisions for three, oneyear renewal options.Vendor LocationCurley Wholesale Electric, Inc.Santa Ana, CATurtle ALA, LLC Los Angeles, CAWesco Supply Corporation Buena Park, CA15.Aggregate Blanket Order Contracts to Diamond Environmental Services LP andUnited Site Services of California, Inc. for Portable Toilets/Showers and Other SiteRentals and Services (Specification No. 24061) (General Fund & NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: Award Aggregate Blanket Order Contracts to vendors listedbelow for portable toilets/showers and other site rentals and services on an asneeded basis, in an aggregate amount not to exceed $400,000, for a fouryear termexpiring on June 30, 2028.Vendor LocationDiamond Environmental Services LP San Marcos, CAUnited Site Services of California, Inc.Anaheim, CA16.Blanket Order Contract to Saitech, Inc. for Mobile Computer Notebooks (Bid No. 24058) (General Fund and NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Police DepartmentRecommended Action: Authorize a blanket order contract to Saitech, Inc. for MobileComputer Notebooks for a oneyear term beginning June 4, 2024 and expiring June30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $920,075, including a $83,643 contingencyamount.17.Purchase Order to Sandoval Custom Creations, Inc. for Security Cameras andAccessories (Specification No. 24078) (General Fund)Department(s): Police DepartmentRecommended Action: Authorize a onetime purchase order and payment ofpurchase order to Sandoval Custom Creations, Inc. for security cameras andaccessories in an amount not to exceed $98,324.18.Purchase Order to National Business Furniture, LLC for Classroom Furniture for thePolice Athletic Activity League (Bid No. 24042A) (NonGeneral Fund) (Revive SantaAna)Department(s): Police DepartmentRecommended Action: Authorize a onetime Purchase Order and payment ofpurchase order to National Business Furniture, LLC for classroom furniture, in anamount not to exceed $123,404.19.Purchase Order to National Auto Fleet Group for One Ford F150 Responder Truck(Spec No. 24066) (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize a onetime purchase and payment of a purchaseorder to National Auto Fleet Group for one 2024 Ford F150 Responder truck in anamount of $58,399 plus a contingency amount of $5,000, for a total amount not toexceed $63,399.20.Purchase Order to EyeP Solutions, Inc. for a Mapping License Subscription and TwoPortable Cameras (Spec No. 24077) (General Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize a onetime purchase and payment of purchaseorder to EyeP Solutions, Inc. for a oneyear mapping license subscription and twoportable cameras in an amount not to exceed $66,107.21.Approve Template and General Hourly Parameters for City Council Aide AgreementsDepartment(s): City Attorney’s OfficeRecommended Action: Approve template and general hourly parameters for CityCouncil Aide Agreements; Authorize the City Attorney to revise the templateagreement as necessary.22.Agreement with Richards, Watson & Gershon, APC and Amendment to Agreementwith Nathan & Kamionski, LLP for Legal Services (General Fund and NonGeneralFund)Department(s): City Attorney’s OfficeRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement withRichards, Watson & Gershon, APC to provide legal services for a threeyear termbeginning June 1, 2024 and expiring June 30, 2027, with a provision for a oneyearextension, in a total amount not to exceed $300,000 (Agreement No. A2024XXX)and a first amendment to the agreement with Nathan & Kamionski LLP to providelegal services, increasing the amount of the compensation by $450,000 for a totalamount of $500,000 (Agreement No. A2024XXX).23.Third Amendment to the Joseph House Loan Agreement and Affordable HousingCovenants with Mercy House Living Centers to Allow for Permanent SupportiveHousing for Homeless Families at 210 E 16th StreetDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a third amendmentto the Joseph House Loan Agreement and Affordable Housing Covenants with MercyHouse Living Centers, formerly known as Mercy House Transitional Living Centers, toallow for permanent housing with supportive services for homeless families rather thanoffering housing to a target population of homeless men at 210 E 16th Street(Agreement No. A2024XXX). (Contingent upon approval of the same HousingAuthority action).24.OnCall Environmental Review Services Agreements with Rincon Consultants, Inc.and Chambers Group, Inc.Department(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute agreements withRincon Consultants, Inc. and Chambers Group, Inc. to provide oncall environmentalreview consulting services in an amount not to exceed $100,000 per year, for a totalamount not to exceed $500,000, for a threeyear term beginning July 1, 2024 andexpiring June 30, 2027, with an option of two, oneyear extensions (Agreement No. A2024XXX and A2024XXX).25.Second Amendment to Agreement with Invoice Cloud, Inc. for Enhanced ElectronicBilling and Payment Presentation Services, Debit/Credit Card and Electronic CheckMerchant Payment Processing Services, and Payment Kiosk Services (GeneralFund)Department(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a secondamendment to the agreement with Invoice Cloud, Inc. to extend the contract’s currentterm through December 31, 2025, with optional extensions, in an amount not toexceed $1,427,800, including a contingency of $129,800 (Agreement No. A2024XXX).26.Fourth Amendment to Agreement with Aramark Correctional Services, LLC for InmateMeals and Commissary Management Services (General Fund)Department(s): Police DepartmentRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute the fourthamendment to the agreement with Aramark Correctional Services, LLC to provideinmate meals and commissary management for the period of July 1, 2024 throughJune 30, 2025, in the additional amount of $1,579,638, including a $40,000contingency, for a total aggregate amount not to exceed $7,683,326 (Agreement No.A2024XXX).27.Cooperative Agreement with Orange County Transportation Authority andParticipating Agencies for the Harbor Boulevard Innovative Corridor Project (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a CooperativeAgreement with Orange County Transportation Authority and the Cities of Anaheim,Fountain Valley, Fullerton, and Garden Grove, identifying the City’s role andresponsibilities to implement the Harbor Boulevard Innovative Corridor Project,effective upon full approval of the agreement by all parties through December 31,2028, with the option to be extended (Agreement No. A2024XXX).28.Agreement with Swinerton Management & Consulting to Provide ConstructionManagement and Inspection Services for the New Memorial Park Aquatic FacilityProject (Project No. 221415) (General Fund) (Revive Santa Ana)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement withSwinerton Management & Consulting to perform construction management andinspection services for the New Memorial Park Aquatic Facility Project in the amountof $1,001,477, with a contingency of $200,296, for a total amount not to exceed of$1,201,773, for a threeyear term beginning June 4, 2024 and expiring December 31,2026, with the option for two, oneyear extensions (Agreement No. A2024XXX).29.Agreement for Consignment Vehicle Parts and Accessories with Elliot Auto SupplyCo., Inc, dba Factory Motor Parts (Spec No. 24075) (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement withElliott Auto Supply Co., Inc., dba Factory Motor Parts, for a vendorowned inventoryprogram for fleet vehicle parts for a twoyear period beginning July 1, 2024 andexpiring June 30, 2026, with the option of one oneyear extension, in an annualamount not to exceed $500,000, for a total amount not to exceed $1,500,000(Agreement No. A2024XXX).30.Agreement for Public Works Cost Recovery Analysis Services (General Fund andNonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement withGovernment Consulting Partners, Inc. to provide a comprehensive analysis of PublicWorks billable rates and indirect cost calculations in an annual amount not to exceed$120,000, which includes an $11,000 contingency, for a oneyear term from July 1,2024 through June 30, 2025, with the option of two, oneyear extensions, for a totalamount not to exceed $360,000 (Agreement No. A2024XXX).31.Approve Agreement with Yunex Traffic to Provide Preventative and EmergencyMaintenance Services of the Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Systems (Special GasTax, General Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement withYunex, LLC dba Yunex Traffic to provide Preventative and Emergency MaintenanceServices of the Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Systems, for a total amount not toexceed $7,000,000, for a threeyear term beginning July 2, 2024, and expiring July 1,2027, with a provision for one, twoyear extension (Agreement No. A2024XXX). 32.Resolution Approving the Santa Ana Vision Zero PlanDepartment(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Adopt a resolution approving the Santa Ana Vision ZeroPlan.RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE SANTA ANA VISIONZERO PLAN (includes determination that this action is exempt from considerationunder the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA GuidelinesSection 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibilitythat the adoption of this Plan, in and of itself, may have a significant effect on theenvironment)33.Resolution to Maintain Measure M2 Funding Eligibility by Approving a PavementManagement Plan UpdateDepartment(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Adopt a resolution confirming the status and providing anupdate of the Pavement Management Plan (PMP) per Orange County TransportationAuthority (OCTA) 202425 Measure M2 eligibility requirements.RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA CONCERNING THE STATUS AND UPDATE OF THEPAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE MEASURE M2 PROGRAM34.Resolution to Maintain Eligibility for the Fiscal Year 202425 Senate Bill 1 LocalStreets and Roads, Road Repair and Accountability Act Funding Program (NonGeneral Fund)Department(s): Public Works AgencyRecommended Action: Adopt a Resolution affirming the Fiscal Year 202425Senate Bill 1 projects list and anticipated Road Maintenance and RehabilitationAccount funding in the amount of $8,039,480, to be submitted to the CaliforniaTransportation Commission for budgeting the Fiscal Year 202425 CapitalImprovement Program and maintaining eligibility for Road Repair and AccountabilityAct funding.RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED BYFISCAL YEAR 202425 SB 1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF201735.November 5, 2024 General Municipal ElectionDepartment(s): City Clerk’s OfficeRecommended Action: 1. Adopt a resolution calling and giving notice of theNovember 5, 2024 General Municipal Election to be held in the City of Santa Ana forthe election of certain officers;RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA CALLING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A GENERALMUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2024, FORTHE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AS PROVIDED BY THE PROVISIONSOF ARTICLE XII OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA2. Adopt a resolution requesting the Orange County Board of Supervisors toconsolidate the November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election with the StatewideGeneral Election; andRESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OFTHE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO CONSOLIDATE A GENERAL MUNICIPALELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 5, 2024, WITH THE STATEWIDEGENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THAT DATE PURSUANT TO SECTION10403 AND 10418 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE3. Adopt a resolution adopting regulations for candidate statements.RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FORELECTIVE OFFICE PERTAINING TO CANDIDATE STATEMENTS SUBMITTED TOTHE VOTERS AT AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 202436.Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending the City of Santa Ana Municipal CodeArticle II (Solid Waste Collection Regulations) of Chapter 16 (Garbage, Trash andWeeds), Article XII (Sanitation Services Users Charge) of Chapter 18 (Health andSanitation), and Article II (Water) of Chapter 39 (Water and Sewers) to Comply withthe Water Shutoff Protection Act Legal notice published May 24, 2024 on the Orange County Reporter.Department(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: Conduct a second reading and adopt an ordinance toamend Chapter 16 Article II (Solid Waste Collection Regulations, Chapter 18 ArticleXII (Sanitation Servicer User Charge), and Chapter 39 Article II (Water and Sewers) ofthe Santa Ana Municipal Code ORDINANCE NO. NS3065 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 16, ARTICLE XIIOF CHAPTER 18, AND ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 39 OF THE SANTA ANAMUNICIPAL CODE TO COMPLY WITH THE WATER SHUTOFF PROTECTION ACT**END OF CONSENT CALENDAR**BUSINESS CALENDAR37.Cancellation or Rescheduling of June 18, 2024 Regular City Council MeetingDepartment(s): City Clerk’s OfficeRecommended Action: 1. Approve resolution canceling the Regular City Councilmeeting scheduled for June 18, 2024.RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA CANCELING THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGOF JUNE 18, 2024OR2. Approve resolution rescheduling the Regular City Council meeting scheduled forJune 18, 2024 to a date to be determined by the City Council.RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COUNCILMEETING OF JUNE 18, 2024 TO _______________, 2024.38.Resolution of the City of Santa Ana Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of WaterRevenue Bonds, Series 2024Department(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Issuance of the SantaAna Financing Authority’s Water of Santa Ana Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2024(“the Bonds”) RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY BYTHE CITY OF A MASTER INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, A FIRSTSUPPLEMENT TO MASTER INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, ANESCROW AGREEMENT, A CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE AND APURCHASE CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SANTA ANAPUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY WATER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2024,APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH BONDS IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPALAMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $47,000,000, AUTHORIZING THE DISTRIBUTIONOF AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THE OFFERING AND SALEOF SUCH BONDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF NECESSARYDOCUMENTS AND CERTIFICATES AND RELATED ACTIONS. 2. Authorize the execution of and approving a form of the Master Installment PurchaseAgreement, First Supplement to the Master Installment Purchase Agreement, EscrowAgreement, Bond Purchase Agreement, Indenture of Trust, and Preliminary OfficialStatement.39.Local Resident Preference in Affordable Housing OrdinanceDepartment(s): Community Development AgencyRecommended Action: Approve first reading of the Local Resident Preference inAffordable Housing Ordinance to comply with the State of California Local TenantPreferences to Prevent Displacement Act and codify the City’s existing local residentpreference policy.ORDINANCE NO. NSXXXX entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA CREATING A NEW ARTICLE XXI IN CHAPTER 8 OFTHE MUNICIPAL CODE TO CODIFY THE CITY’S LOCAL RESIDENTPREFERENCE IN AFFORDABLE HOUSING (includes determination that theordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuantto Sections 15060(c)(2) because the activity will not result in a direct or reasonablyforeseeable indirect physical change in the environment and 15060(c)(3) because theactivity is not a project as defined in Section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines)**END OF BUSINESS CALENDAR**PUBLIC HEARINGSPUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public may address the City Council on each of thePublic Hearing items.40.Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance to adopt the Fiscal Year 202425 Budget,Approve a Resolution for Changes to the City’s Basic Classification andCompensation Plan Budget, Adopt the Uniform Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees, andAdopt the SevenYear Capital Improvement ProgramLegal notice published in the OC Reporter on May 22 and 29, 2024.Department(s): Finance and Management ServicesRecommended Action: 1. Approve the introduction and first reading of anOrdinance to adopt the budget for Fiscal Year 202425 (FY 202425), which beginson July 1, 2024 and ends on June 30, 2025.UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE NO. NSXXXX entitled AN UNCODIFIED ORDINANCEOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA APPROPRIATING MONIESTO THE SEVERAL OFFICES, AGENCIES, AND DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITYFOR FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PERIOD COMMENCING JULY 1, 20242. Adopt a Resolution, to effect certain changes to the City’s basic classification andcompensation plan, such as addition of new classification titles.RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA TO EFFECT CERTAIN CHANGES TO THE CITY’SCLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN3. Adopt a resolution establishing a Uniform Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees forFiscal Year 20242025.RESOLUTION NO. 2024XXX entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SANTA ANA ESTABLISHING A UNIFORM SCHEDULE OFMISCELLANEOUS FEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 202420254. Adopt the SevenYear Capital Improvement Program (CIP) beginning FY2425through FY3031, as required by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)for Measure M2 eligibility.5. Deposit $11,946,740 ($10,531,020 General Fund and $1,415,720 NonGeneralFund) into the Section 115 Pension Trust Fund as part of the City’s Pension DebtStrategy.COUNCILMEMBER REQUESTED ITEMS41.Discuss and Consider Providing Direction to the City Manager, City Clerk, and CityAttorney to Prepare Necessary Documents to Propose a Cigarette Litter AbatementTax – Councilmembers Hernandez and VazquezCITY MANAGER COMMENTSCOUNCIL COMMENTSAB1234 DISCLOSURE – If the City paid for travel or other expenses this is the time formembers of the Council to provide a brief oral report on attendance of any regional board orcommission meeting or any conference, meeting or event attended.1.May 23, 2024 Councilmember Penaloza – SCAG 2024 Regional Conference andGeneral Assembly2.May 23, 2024 Mayor Amezcua – SCAG 2024 Regional Conference and GeneralAssembly3.May 56, 2024 Mayor Amezcua – California Peace Officer’s Memorial CeremoniesADJOURNMENT – Adjourn the City Council meeting and convene to the Housing Authoritymeeting.Future Items1. Second Reading/Adoption of FY 2024/25 Budget Ordinance2. Charter Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations3. Ballot Measure(s) ResolutionsPOSTING STATEMENT: On May 28, 2024, a true and correct copy of this agenda was
<br />posted at the entrance to City Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Internet
<br />Access to City Council, Agency, and Authority agendas and related material is available prior
<br />to meetings at
<br />ATTENDANCE Authority Members Phil Bacerra
<br />Johnathan Ryan Hernandez
<br />Jessie Lopez
<br />David Penaloza
<br />Benjamin Vazquez
<br />Vice Chair Thai Viet Phan
<br />Chair Valerie Amezcua
<br />Acting City Manager Alvaro Nuñez
<br />City Attorney Sonia R. Carvalho
<br />Recording Secretary Jennifer L. Hall
<br />PUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public may address Housing Authority on items on
<br />the Housing Authority agenda.
<br />RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve staff recommendations on the following
<br />Consent Calendar Items: 1 through 4 and waive reading of all resolutions and
<br />ordinances.
<br />1.Excused Absences
<br />Department(s): City Clerk’s Office
<br />Recommended Action: Excuse the absent members.
<br />2.Minutes from Special Meeting of May 21, 2024
<br />Department(s): City Clerk’s Office
<br />Recommended Action: Approve minutes.
<br />3.Third Amendment to the Joseph House Loan Agreement and Affordable Housing
<br />Covenants with Mercy House Living Centers to Allow for Permanent Housing with
<br />Supportive Services for LowIncome Families at 210 E 16th Street
<br />Department(s): Community Development Agency
<br />Recommended Action: Authorize the Executive Director of the Housing Authority to
<br />execute a Third Amendment to the Joseph House Loan Agreement and Affordable
<br />Housing Covenants with Mercy House Living Centers, formerly known as Mercy House
<br />Transitional Living Centers, to allow for permanent housing with supportive services for
<br />lowincome families rather than offering housing to a target population of lowincome
<br />men at 210 16th Street (contingent upon approval of the same City Council action)
<br />(Agreement No. A2024XXX).
<br />4.Agreement with Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. for Rent Reasonableness Software for
<br />Housing Choice Voucher Program
<br />Department(s): Community Development Agency
<br />Recommended Action: Authorize the Executive Director of the Housing Authority to
<br />execute an agreement with Nan McKay & Associates, Inc. to provide reasonable rent
<br />determination software for the Housing Choice Voucher Program in an amount not to
<br />exceed $75,000 for a threeyear term beginning July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027,
<br />with an option of two ,oneyear extensions (Agreement No. A2024XXX).
<br />ADJOURNMENT – Adjourn the Housing Authority meeting and convene to the Public
<br />Financing Authority Agency meeting.
<br />POSTING STATEMENT: On May 28, 2024, a true and correct copy of this agenda was
<br />posted at the entrance to City Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Internet
<br />Access to City Council, Agency, and Authority agendas and related material is available prior
<br />to meetings at
<br />ATTENDANCE Agency Members Phil Bacerra
<br />Johnathan Ryan Hernandez
<br />Jessie Lopez
<br />David Penaloza
<br />Benjamin Vazquez
<br />Vice Chair Thai Viet Phan
<br />Chair Valerie Amezcua
<br />Acting City Manager Alvaro Nuñez
<br />City Attorney Sonia R. Carvalho
<br />Recording Secretary Jennifer L. Hall
<br />PUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public may address Public Financing Authority on
<br />items on the Public Financing Authority agenda.
<br />RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve staff recommendations on the following
<br />Consent Calendar Items: 1 and 2 and waive reading of all resolutions and
<br />ordinances.
<br />1.Excused Absences
<br />Department(s): City Clerk’s Office
<br />Recommended Action: Excuse the absent members.
<br />2.Minutes from the Special Meeting of May 7, 2024
<br />Department(s): City Clerk’s Office
<br />Recommended Action: Approve minutes.
<br />3.Resolution of the Santa Ana Public Financing Authority Authorizing the Issuance and
<br />Sale of Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2024
<br />Department(s): Finance and Management Services
<br />Recommended Action:
<br />1. Adopt Resolution No. SAPFA 2024XXX authorizing the Issuance of the Santa Ana
<br />Financing Authority’s Water of Santa Ana Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2024 (“the
<br />Bonds”)
<br />2. Authorize the execution of and approving a form of the Master Installment Purchase
<br />Agreement, First Supplement to the Master Installment Purchase Agreement, Escrow
<br />Agreement, Bond Purchase Agreement, Indenture of Trust, and Preliminary Official
<br />Statement.
<br />ADJOURNMENT – Adjourn the Public Finance Authority meeting.
<br />POSTING STATEMENT: On May 28, 2024, a true and correct copy of this agenda was
<br />posted at the entrance to City Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Internet
<br />Access to City Council, Agency, and Authority agendas and related material is available prior
<br />to meetings at
<br />
<br />City Council 19 6/4/2024
<br />