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Proposed Additions to FY 24-25 Budget Recurring One-Time <br />Backfill for CIP Engineering as reported on December 19, 2023 900,000 <br />County Animal Shelter Contract Increase 600,000 <br />Increase budget to provide for actual Senior Services & Athletics spending 375,000 <br />Add Economic Development Staff 445,680 <br />Zoo Operations & Maintenance related to new animals and exhibits 330,280 <br />Bus Stop Maintenance 250,000 <br />Increased Maintenance Costs for New Parks (Gerardo Mouet, Ed Caruthers, <br />Santa Ana River Trail. 10th & Flower, King Street)175,000 <br />Investment Advisory Services (Completely offset by revenues)150,000 <br />Neighborhood Initiatives Contractual Services 120,000 <br />Senior Services Programming 120,000 <br />Arts Funding 120,000 <br />Senior Legal Mgmt Analyst for City Attorney 109,790 <br />Navigation Center Maintenance 100,000 <br />Establish recurring allocation for Pothole Repair 100,000 <br />First Floor Customer Service Representative 97,570 <br />Helicopter Contract (County Rate Increases)93,230 <br />800MHz Contract Increase for Police 90,570 <br />Dedicated Building Maintenance Technician for Jail 75,830 <br />Delhi Library Operations & Maintenance 75,060 <br />Planning/Building & Code Enforcement Training 48,600 <br />Increase allocation for Employee Appreciation 37,500 <br />Increase in Fleet Operating Materials & Supplies 36,910 <br />Upgrade Executive Secretary for City Attorney 28,700 <br />Parking Validations for City Council Meetings 27,500 <br />Dispatch Community Engagement Tech Platform 27,010 <br />Independent Audit Fees increase 20,000 <br />Code Enforcement Overtime 15,000 <br />OPEB Actuarial Valuation 11,000 <br />City Council Allocations Increase 10,500 <br />DTSA Parking Subsidy 1,658,000 <br />Traffic Safety Improvements - Intersections: Segerstrom Ave/Raitt St and <br />Segerstrom Ave/Flower St Traffic 1,300,000 <br />Zoo North Wall 1,200,000 <br />Vehicle Replacement (Multiple Departments)1,114,000 <br />Electrical feeder upgrades (SCE) and Electrical Panel - City Yard 1,000,000 <br />Bristol Street Rehab Completion 680,000 <br />Jail Aramark Contract Increase 653,040 <br />Zoning Code Community Outreach 500,000 <br />Allocation for Police Retirements, in compliance with MOUs 500,000 <br />Last 800MHz Debt Payment (2 in a single fiscal year)462,860 <br />November 2024 Election Costs 425,000 <br />Rehab Zoo Walkways 400,000 <br />City Yard Operations - Strategic Master Plan/ RFP advertised FY 23/24 400,000 <br />Jan-Jun 2025 (6 months) Funding for ARPA Positions 375,960 <br />Digital Media Billboard to promote City events and generate revenue from <br />business ads - City Yard 375,000 <br />Jail Deferred Maintenance 250,000 <br />City Yard Deferred Maintenance 250,000 <br />Software to Upgrade Fueling Station at City Yard 250,000 <br />Car Wash Rehab - City Yard 250,000 <br />State Building Utilities prior to demo in December 2025 180,900 <br />Planning & Building Records Project 146,000 <br />Strategic Planning 102,000 <br />Parkland Feasibility Study, including Washington Square 100,000 <br />Fleet Electrification Master Plan 100,000 <br />City Yard - Rehab Ice Making Room 65,000 <br />Software required to continue banking online 25,000 <br />Total 4,590,730 12,762,760 <br />4