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(b) <br /> <br />Not less than five days before the date of such <br />public hearing, public notice shall be given of <br />such public hearing in either or both of the fol- <br />lowing manners, as the Planning Commission directs: <br />1. By posting in front of the property under con- <br />sideration, a notice consisting of the words "NO- <br />TICE OF PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES <br />OR CLASSIFICATIOI~" or "NOTICE OF PROPOSED VARIANCE" <br />or "NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL PERMIT" (if this <br />type of permit is authorized by Ordinance), as the <br />case may be, printed in plain type with letters of <br />not less than one inch in height and a statement <br />i~ six or eight point type setting forth a de- <br />scription of the property under consideration, the <br />nature of the proposed change, variance, or condi- <br />tional permit, and the time and place at which a <br />public hearing on the matter will be held. If <br />more than one parcel of property is involved, then <br />notices if required, shall be posted not more than <br />three hundred feet apart on each side of the street <br />or streets upon which said property abuts and for a <br />distance of not less than three hundred feet in both <br />directions from said property along such street or <br />streets. If the parcel to which the application <br />applies does not abut a public street, such notices, <br />if required, shall be placed not more than three <br />hundred feet apart on the nearest public street lying <br />within three hundred feet of skid parcel, but need <br />not extend beyond a distance of three hundred feet <br />from the exterior limits of said parcel. <br /> <br />2. By mailing or delivering written notice not less <br />than five days prior to date of such hearing to the <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br />